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MDKL Prestige Partz Nippon Spares MrEngine etc

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  • MDKL Prestige Partz Nippon Spares MrEngine etc

    I am looking to contact anybody who may have bought engines from any of these companies and had problems. They all seem to be related in some way.

  • #2
    I dont want this thread turning in to a lets all throw insults and abuse thread.
    If you need people to contact you put your email address here and people can contact you that way, behind closed doors so to speak.
    Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

    My 4x4
    My choice
    Back off


    • #3
      what is the reason you what to know about these?Is it because you've had a bad experience from one of them or is it just a general enquirey about how good/bad they are.
      If your after a engine have a look in the parts for sale section at the breakers as you will get a better deal from one of us and we'll probably know some history of the engine aswell


      • #4
        Originally posted by stormforce View Post
        what is the reason you what to know about these?Is it because you've had a bad experience from one of them or is it just a general enquirey about how good/bad they are.
        If your after a engine have a look in the parts for sale section at the breakers as you will get a better deal from one of us and we'll probably know some history of the engine aswell
        Thanks Stormforce, bit after the horse has bolted now I fear

        I have seen several people claim bad experiences from these companies. If this is the case I'd like people to contact me (perhaps by private message) in order to see if there is a possibility of join action.

        I'm not interested in insults or mud slinging but proper backed evidence in order to take any reall problems people have had via proper legal channels.

        Yes I have had a bad and costly experience with them. Shouting about it on a forum will not put it right, but if others have had, as seems to be the case, had similar problems. The correct way forward is vis the authorities.

        Koi- I do not put my email in public forums (due to spam etc), but I can be pm'ed. (assuming this forum has that facility ?)


        • #5
          There is a PM facility, but I think you have to subscribe to use it.

          You caould always write your e-mail address out in full, so that the scraper bots can't recognise it.

          It's fair enough asking about the above companies, but bad news always spreads better than good, so it would be all but impossible to get an unbiased review of them. You say you have evidence of other people having problems with them? Are you merely looking for other names for your list, or are you seriously looking to get evidence to counter your bad experience?
          Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


          • #6
            Originally posted by Albannach View Post
            There is a PM facility, but I think you have to subscribe to use it.

            You caould always write your e-mail address out in full, so that the scraper bots can't recognise it.

            It's fair enough asking about the above companies, but bad news always spreads better than good, so it would be all but impossible to get an unbiased review of them. You say you have evidence of other people having problems with them? Are you merely looking for other names for your list, or are you seriously looking to get evidence to counter your bad experience?

            I'm not looking for a review(I already have my own views on these companies)as I said if people have had provable bad experiences with them, back by evidence I'm looking for taking a joint action against them, mainly to save costs for others but also to lend weight, to what would seem to be an ongoing situation. Nor am I looking for a counter to my bad experience. My experience stands on its own merits, in my opinion, and it will be for the lawyers concerned to argue out the case in court. I do not say I have evidence of others having bad experiences. I said have seen claims on various forums including this one. Claims are not evidence.


            • #7
              PM does not seem to be active here but one can click the send email option.


              • #8
                So your only reason for joining this forum is to see if anyone will split your legal costs in a suit against the above mentioned companies?

                As you're not interested in anything other than evidential back up to your own, obviously unprovable, claim; I'll bow out of this.

                And we know your claim is umprovable because if it wasn't you'd have sued them already. You only incur legal costs if you don't win.
                Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                • #9
                  No Albannach my motivation for posting is not to keep my legal costs down (please read exatly what my message said, twice you have misunderstood what I have said) I intend to go ahead regardless. But making a claim via the court is not an easy progress and from what I've seen few seem familiar with it. I am therefore trying to get people together in order to further everybodies aims and if this is widespead prevent it happening in future to others. I've only had one experience, I don't intend to repeat it, and can only go on comments see around the various forums, hence the interest in hard evidence. If there is none or no-one is willing to come forward so be it.

                  As for unprovable that is yet to be seen, as it has not got to court yet.

                  To clarift the legal costs need to be paid up front, so yes I expect to get them back, I can afford that outlay, others might not be in that position. Claims tend to take several months.

                  As for bowing out, if you haven't had an experience with these companies, you don't have anything to add so cannot really take part.


                  • #10
                    I hope you get somewhere fighting this case and hope you find others to be willing to give details of their own experience.If you win this case it will lead forward to others claiming against these people.
                    Theres nothing worse than getting ripped off and then not having a leg to stand on when trying to claim back.
                    I know there have been people on here looking at certain companies selling engines but not sure if they are any of the companies you have mentioned
                    Good luck with it and hope you get the support your after


                    • #11
                      If I may add, I had a conservatory put up three years ago by a complete and utter ars**ole it all went wrong I claimed online, HMCS Money claim online, I won the case for £12,500, he goes bankrupt, BUT I find out through other people he owes money to that he has £85,000 in pharmaceutical shares in a Canadian company so as soon as the insolvency agency gets this money from them I should get a payout. So what I am getting at is that its fairly simple to claim online. The worst part about this is that he took all of our money never paid his supplyers, blaiming me for not paying him, in fact we paid him upfront all the time, as he was claiming he was being let down by other people. I only knew about this when a local frame manufacturer squared up to me in Tescos


                      • #12
                        Just to clarify a point; I have had a claim of this type, so am in a position to respond.

                        However, I personally think you're 'at it', that's why I am bowing out.
                        Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                          Just to clarify a point; I have had a claim of this type, so am in a position to respond.

                          However, I personally think you're 'at it', that's why I am bowing out.

                          Once again you did not read what I said. I'm not interested in whether you have had a claim against any other company Albannach, I am only interested in any problems people have had with these companies or ones related to them.

                          Unfortunatly I have no idea what "it" you think I may be "at". But as I've stated my postition quite clearly I can only assume you once again can't understand what I've said. Apologies if this is the case but I fear I'm at a lose as to how to put it any clearer.


                          • #14
                            Webbo, as you pointed out you have benefitted by the knowledge gained from other people involved with your merchant. Likewise this is what I hope will result from these posts a benefit to others, who may be in a similar situation to me.

                            I don't intend this to be a thread of heresay about any company, but a simple web search on the companies I mentioned will highlight a few people who claim disatisfaction, including a thread on this forum, when I last looked. If anyone is interested.

                            I'd suggest this on any tradesperson or company to be honest, even though bad does indeed often spread faster than good. One can then make a decision based on what is found.

                            For companies or individuals who may be trading under multiple names. A search on whois will show any domain name connections that may exist and a search on companies house will reveal the registered address of each company. The named directors can be found if one purchases the documents from companies house which are 1-2 pounds each.

