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kzn185 rad temp

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  • kzn185 rad temp

    are the 3rd gen rads supposed to be stinking hot? Temp gauge is always just under half way and has never ever moved any higher.Coolant still nice and red and level correct.
    My mate just thought the top of the rad was rather hot... Any views/advice

  • #2
    Originally posted by kevinturner100 View Post
    are the 3rd gen rads supposed to be stinking hot? Temp gauge is always just under half way and has never ever moved any higher.Coolant still nice and red and level correct.
    My mate just thought the top of the rad was rather hot... Any views/advice
    I'd do the standard checks - rad cap and thermostat, ours gets very hot towing the caravan, but always goes back to just under half way on the needle....maybe flush the coolant too, ours needs doing soon to get all the crud out of it...
    Too old to care, young enough to remember


    • #3
      The rad is the device that gets rid of the heat from the coolant. Diesel engines run hot. The radiator is likely to be 'stinking hot'
      Cutting steps in the roof of the world

