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oh 5hit no tax or mot

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  • oh 5hit no tax or mot

    trina asked me to sort out car papers for my surf so that she could tax it.that was a few weeks ago today she said WE didnt tax the surf did YOU.just went through my car papers and found out that the MOT ran out a couple of weeks ago.and the words of comfort from trina were .if you had got the papers for me when id asked you would have seen that the MOT was due.ha smart ass .so do i have to sorn the car for this week so i can get an mot or can i be a week late getting my tax .
    Last edited by steve s; 5 July 2009, 11:06.

  • #2
    Tax and test it this week and you'll be OK. I'm not sure when the £80 fine gets sent out though. Check on the DVLA Tax site.
    Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


    • #3
      Trina is going to love this

      The Idiot Finder Generals have been conferring and have decided

      WHO has just been nominated for IOTY ?

      Can you village survive with a missing idiot ?

      Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


      • #4
        yes i am but i wont let trina see any of this .felt so good yesterday changed oil +air + fuel filters oh and oil in both surf +isuzu gave my self a little pat on the back as for me that little lot amounted to mechanics stuff and im not one then to wake up this morning as an idiot not good. just fitted a new fog light and rear exhaust bracket on the surf just hope that's all it needs .cross your fingers for me.


        • #5
          had to sorn the surf the P.O.said they give you 5 days today is my 6th and cant get it in for m.o.t. until sat ho hum still got my isuzu


          • #6
            Originally posted by steve s View Post
            had to sorn the surf the P.O.said they give you 5 days today is my 6th and cant get it in for m.o.t. until sat ho hum still got my isuzu
            my surf has been off the road since march and i only got the £80 fine a week ago lmao

