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  • Tyres......

    Went out playing the other night and got a side wall puncture, well that was it my spare was odd
    and the 2 fronts were different again so time to go tyre shopping i thought.
    Had a look at retreads, had a look at aggressive knobbly types and weighed up the prices etc.
    Then went for the sensible approach......the voices made me do it....well her voice that is.
    Thought it would be cheaper to buy, have delivered and then get bob to fit them and dispose of
    old but it wasn't by the time you add up the buying the tyre, the postage, the fitting and balance
    and the disposal, and don't forget the fuel to run around getting all this sorted was easier and
    cheaper to go to protyre in gloucester.
    So now i got 5 new general grabber at2's on her all fitted balanced and old ones gone for £414
    that's £82.80 per tyre which by my surfing calcs is a bargain.
    Get this blackcircle supplied and fitted at the same place was £500....???
    Pays to go direct sometimes.....

    Not sure if it me but with the new tyres on she seems to roll so much easier as if there is less drag
    on the road surface from the tyres....or am i just imagining this.....!!!!!!
    Remember arrows are silent.....................
    Don't forget to tell everyone its indestructable as seen on top gear.......

  • #2
    Sound like a pretty good price Paul... seems ya now on a roll

    There's always a Payback .... Don't know where n don't know when tho !!!!
    Buncefield Burner


    • #3
      fantastic tyers had them on my surf for at least 3 years and still good .had a price of £94.00 +vat from a mobile tyer fitter as im going to fit them to my isuzu so you did well

