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Gas/Diesel prices?

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  • Gas/Diesel prices?

    Just wondering how much go juice is running the rest of the world these days.

    Here on the west coast in Canada im paying 87.99 cents for diesel and 97.99 cents for gasoline a liter. That is in Canadian $$.

    Silence is golden, but duct tape is silver.

  • #2
    £1 A litre for deisel at asda/walmart here, about 92p a litre petrol. H


    • #3
      Originally posted by Hazzo View Post
      £1 A litre for deisel at asda/walmart here, about 92p a litre petrol. H
      A little more expensive down this end of the country :

      Diesel : £1.04 Petrol : £1.02


      • #4
        Originally posted by Frozenocean View Post
        Just wondering how much go juice is running the rest of the world these days.

        Here on the west coast in Canada im paying 87.99 cents for diesel and 97.99 cents for gasoline a liter. That is in Canadian $$.

        Silence is golden, but duct tape is silver.
        still half the price compared to us then.

        round my way its £1.06 for DERV
        Oh Nana, what's my name?


        • #5
          Around a pound down ere in the garden state, WHY is derv more than petrol,?
          i always thought derv was taken from the refineing process before petrol, meaning petrol is more refined then derv and hence more work involved, or could it be the government ripping off more as most transport uses derv? surely not! not out honest hard working politictions
          Too young to die and too old to give a toss


          • #6
            I may be wrong but I thought that diesel was a by product of producing petrol, meaning to produce petrol, you have to produce diesel? if so then diesel was a waste product that found a use.
            I think these price rises are being fiddled with anyway, why has diesel only gone up by 1p when petrol has gone up by 10p? when both products are produced at the same time from the same oil?
            is it government orders to keep transportation costs down to help out with the recession? after all if diesel costs go up then hauliers pass the cost on to consumers and shop prices go up.

            by the way sainsbury's across the road from me has diesel at 104.9 and petrol at 101.9
            another good reason to give veggie oil a go


            • #7
              diesel used to be cheaper than petrol once.
              i think it was back in the mid 17th century.
              Oh Nana, what's my name?


              • #8
                Much too dear
                As I understand it Petrol/Diesel are both by products of Oil products anyhow !!!!
                Not so sure the "wooden" Goverment's of the day/s past encouraged Diesel vehicle purchases n usage to increase their coffers to boost their expenses, after all now the smoking revenue's disappeared they need to topup the money to waste on sommat !!!!

                There's always a Payback .... Don't know where n don't know when tho !!!!
                Buncefield Burner


                • #9
                  Was pleased and surprised when I filled up at the local ASDA the other day.

                  99.9p per litre of Diesel

                  99.9p per litre of Unleaded

                  first time in years I have seen it for the same price.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Ava_Banana View Post
                    Was pleased and surprised when I filled up at the local ASDA the other day.

                    99.9p per litre of Diesel

                    99.9p per litre of Unleaded

                    first time in years I have seen it for the same price.
                    I am green with envy...supose it is because you are on top of canvey!
                    Did I mention I have a BLUE one


                    • #11
                      I filled up the jerry can on Monday with Diesel at 102.9p per litre. When I returned 2 hours later after refitting the fuel tank, it was 103.9p.

                      Should have worked quicker.
                      Petrol was sitting at 102.9p.
                      Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


                      • #12
                        Hi all, diesal works out at 79 pence a litre and petrol about 76 pence a litre,
                        ie 86.9 cents for petrol, 88 to 89.9 cents for diesal. Fluctuates a bit but still way cheaper.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by fatfires View Post
                          I am green with envy...supose it is because you are on top of canvey!
                          I was so surprised that I went back with the Wife's Mondeo and filled that to the brim too.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by greecysurf View Post
                            Hi all, diesal works out at 79 pence a litre and petrol about 76 pence a litre,
                            ie 86.9 cents for petrol, 88 to 89.9 cents for diesal. Fluctuates a bit but still way cheaper.
                            It seems to me that every bl00dy place is cheaper than ere in the UK
                            (i could be wrong tho, it's not often i'm right)
                            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                            • #15
                              no, you're right. I haven't been to europe for a long time but Oz, far east, middle east, americas etc etc are all half our prices for both, dearest I've seen is the Shetlands and the stuff is refined there too, basically rip-off Britain taking the pi55 out of the consumer. H

