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MOT Passed again

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  • MOT Passed again

    After having 3 brake pipes renewed, a new front exhaust pipe fitted and £362 liberated from my wallet...
    Last edited by Albannach; 18 June 2009, 02:28.
    Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's

  • #2
    Originally posted by Albannach View Post
    After having 3 brake pipes renewed, a new front exhaust pipe fitted and £362 liberated from my wallet...
    How much? By Christ, I'll go and have a lay down for you, in sympathy.

    Glad to hear she passed.


    • #3
      I am with Matt on this one....

      glad she passed tho...
      One day at the time I guess..


      • #4
        It wasn't that bad. That's the first I've had to spend on the truck in the 19 months I've had it. not bad for something 17 years old? I could have done the pipes and exhaust myself, but to be honest I couldn't be arsed.

        Plus, I got to ride the bike every day for a week
        Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


        • #5
          Originally posted by Albannach View Post
          It wasn't that bad. That's the first I've had to spend on the truck in the 19 months I've had it. not bad for something 17 years old?
          You can't put a price on safety. You know she's sorted and safe now. It was just the Yorkshire part of me kicking in momentarily.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Albannach View Post
            It wasn't that bad. That's the first I've had to spend on the truck in the 19 months I've had it. not bad for something 17 years old? I could have done the pipes and exhaust myself, but to be honest I couldn't be arsed.

            Plus, I got to ride the bike every day for a week
            Be honest! you,ve been looking for a good excuse to use the bike as your daily commute and this was a gift from God . THE BOSS couldnt complain. Brilliant! I just wish I was that lucky. Mind you I,m not sure I,d call 360 squid lucky.
            Glad to hear that every thing is ok now.

            Cheers Brummie
            I've taken a vow of poverty To anoy me send money

