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some legal advice from a british policeman

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  • #16
    Originally posted by MattF View Post
    You are referring to the phrase 'To protect and serve'.
    Sorry, no I am not. Although, this also is an american ideology, the idea that the Police "are there to protect the innocent" I am pretty certain came from the opening titles of a movie or american cop show, not sure.
    At the risk of boring people, this is a surf site and I didnt join to start arguing over daft things, the UK police attitude, in my experience, is one of " everyone is innocent until proven guilty".
    Doesnt really matter.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Pob View Post
      I didnt join to start arguing over daft things,

      Sent from the iPad you "lost"


      • #18
        Originally posted by Pob View Post
        the idea that the Police "are there to protect the innocent" I am pretty certain came from the opening titles of a movie or american cop show, not sure.
        So hearing a generic sentence somewhere else on one, (or possibly several), occasions has suddenly made that an American term? Hmmm.

        Originally posted by Pob View Post
        At the risk of boring people, this is a surf site and I didnt join to start arguing over daft things
        Then don't. This happens to be a general chitchat thread on the forum which means that it need have no relation to the rest of the sites content in any way or form. No-one is making you read threads or use that submit button. There are plenty of tech sections on this site which you can utilise if you wish to remain technical only.


        • #19
          Originally posted by MattF View Post
          So hearing a generic sentence somewhere else on one, (or possibly several), occasions has suddenly made that an American term? Hmmm.

          Then don't. This happens to be a general chitchat thread on the forum which means that it need have no relation to the rest of the sites content in any way or form. No-one is making you read threads or use that submit button. There are plenty of tech sections on this site which you can utilise if you wish to remain technical only.
          I am so sorry, I bow and scrape before your vast knowledge and wisdom, how could such a lowly person such as I, have made such a terrible mistake.
          I will scuttle off before I offend you anymore, by the way, look me up if you are ever in this part of the world.


          • #20
            Originally posted by MattF View Post
            It is suggesting that people act like scrotes to get lenient treatment, whether they're innocent or not. It's no more than a conveniently disguised 'scrotes guide to getting away with anything' list. Take, for example, this snippet:

            Is that a moralistic piece of advice? Not by by standards it isn't, regardless of whether you're innocent or guilty as sin.
            i forgot about that line, i am a bit disgusted with it to be honest.
            Oh Nana, what's my name?


            • #21
              Originally posted by Pob View Post
              the UK police attitude, in my experience, is one of " everyone is innocent until proven guilty".

              And here was me thinking it was more like " everyone is guilty, we just dont know what of yet."

              Сви можемо


              • #22
                Originally posted by Pob View Post
                I will scuttle off before I offend you anymore, by the way, look me up if you are ever in this part of the world.
                Why would I want to look you up if I was ever in your part of the *country*?

                There was no offence taken, btw. I would actually have to care what your opinion is before I could become offended by it.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Pob View Post
                  Sorry I was not trying to be pedantic, the expression " to protect the innocent" has come over from the USA via movies etc. In the UK, the Police uphold the rule of law, I tell you this as an ex police officer.
                  I will comment no more on this matter as it seems that it will probably only inflame the matter further.
                  If your an ex police officer than you have my respect an i wont question what you say.. You've been there an done that.. Luckily ive not dealt with cops in my life!! So i dont overly have a leg to stand on!

                  But, without wanting to quote hollywood.. In my own opinion. Part of what the law stands for is to protect innocent people.. If a police officer upholds the Law then surely that duty is passed on to them?!

                  An dont worry about matt! Hes ok really.. you just have to know how to treat him!

                  Eh matt.. you ginger dildo!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by RodLeach View Post
                    Eh matt.. you ginger dildo!
                    I take exception to that.

                    You've dropped the gay part.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Pob View Post
                      I am so sorry, I bow and scrape before your vast knowledge and wisdom, how could such a lowly person such as I, have made such a terrible mistake.
                      I will scuttle off before I offend you anymore, by the way, look me up if you are ever in this part of the world.

                      Ahhh... its getting to be like old (well at least last March when I joined) times at the moment, here we have a new member falling out with Matt before he's even reached 7 posts and Rod and Matt happily flirting, elsewhere Judwak and Matt are having a row about very little, in the same thread we have political views being bandied about and riling everyone. All we're missing is a couple of newbies asking about red buttons and all will be well with the world...


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by RodLeach View Post
                        If your an ex police officer than you have my respect an i wont question what you say.. You've been there an done that.. Luckily ive not dealt with cops in my life!! So i dont overly have a leg to stand on!

                        But, without wanting to quote hollywood.. In my own opinion. Part of what the law stands for is to protect innocent people.. If a police officer upholds the Law then surely that duty is passed on to them?!

                        An dont worry about matt! Hes ok really.. you just have to know how to treat him!

                        Eh matt.. you ginger dildo!
                        This is turning into a saga .... Ok, if you want to get really deep into the art of splitting hairs, think about it slightly differently and it makes a little more sense. The police uphold the law, thats part of the oath that you make when you pass out as an officer after training. In the eyes of the law, everyone is innocent until proven guilty by a court of their peers.
                        All of this becomes a complete nightmare when you are talking in "general" terms, specifics are easier, by which I mean, actual examples. Was Tony Martin an innocent man defending his property from two burgulars or a gun totting nutcase who likes to shoot people in the back who tresspass upon his property. Opinion will always be divided. From the police angle, whom were we to protect from whom ?
                        If you break the speed limit and are given a ticket and fine or worse, have your licence confiscated. Most people bitch like hell about it, I have had allsorts of verbal abuse thrown at me," should get a proper job", " aint you got something better to do", " go catch a thief", you get the picture...... UNTIL.... your 6 year old child is run down by a driver who maybe as little as 5 mph over the limit, then we get the " lock em up and throw away the key" oh how fickle we are !


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by biosurf View Post
                          Ahhh... its getting to be like old (well at least last March when I joined) times at the moment, here we have a new member falling out with Matt before he's even reached 7 posts and Rod and Matt happily flirting, elsewhere Judwak and Matt are having a row about very little, in the same thread we have political views being bandied about and riling everyone. All we're missing is a couple of newbies asking about red buttons and all will be well with the world...
                          7 posts on this username, a heck of alot more on my old unrcoverable username and I KNOW what the red button does, it brings up multi screen options, including weather, apart from the tv upstairs, the red button there just switches it off ! pmsl


                          • #28

                            I used to have morals and then .....

                            One night I got a phone call to say that our house in Reading had been broken into and the Police were there (It was up for sale at the time) so I leapt into my car and hit the road. On the outskirts of Andover I hit a patch of diesel on the way on to a roundabout and left the road along with a signpost.

                            Five minutes later the coppers turned up, organised recovery and took the bare details of the incident. I happened to mention that I was doing around 50mph on the approach to the roundabout (WITHIN the signed limit) and within a few minutes the young ex Army copper invited me to drop in at the station on the following Sunday (when he was next on shift) to make a statement about the incident.

                            Come the Sunday he wheels me into an incident room, reads me my rights and asks if I want a solicitor ! I declined his offer and spent the next 2 hours repeating the details of the incident while he tried to trip me up !!!!

                            As far as I'm concerned you can shove your moral high ground - if they're going to act like tw@ts then I'll join in cos I've got better things to do than spend my time giving them opportunities to stitch me up !

                            I have a great deal of respect for coppers and fully appreciate that the majority are good blokes just trying to get the job done - unfortunately the bad ones don't wear labels so I ain't taking any chances ! Personally I'd never consider doing the job cos it's far too dangerous and that's from somebody that spent 22 years in the Army ...

                            Life is too important to take seriously !

