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Fuel Prices Again

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  • Fuel Prices Again

    Is it me or has unleaded suddenly shot up, & at some petrol stations its more than diesel.

    Ive noticed diesel has creapt up a few pence in the last few weeks but unleaded has rocketed by about 12p a litre.

    Whats going on?
    If its not broke don't fix it.

  • #2
    How much is derv now?
    Sent from the iPad you "lost"


    • #3
      Originally posted by slobodan View Post
      How much is derv now?
      About £1-£1.02 per litre.

      How much do you pay?
      If its not broke don't fix it.


      • #4
        Just under 1 Euro a litre,

        Which was nearly a quid, but now is about 84 pence.
        Sent from the iPad you "lost"


        • #5
          Originally posted by slobodan View Post
          Just under 1 Euro a litre,

          Which was nearly a quid, but now is about 84 pence.
          Still, not bad though.
          If its not broke don't fix it.


          • #6
            Originally posted by si tate View Post
            Still, not bad though.
            Maybe so, by our standards, but what's the average national wage in Serbia? Perhaps 1 euro a litre is expensive over there?
            'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Scorpion View Post
              Maybe so, by our standards, but what's the average national wage in Serbia? Perhaps 1 euro a litre is expensive over there?
              Ahh, good thinking batman.
              If its not broke don't fix it.


              • #8
                About 300 litres a month
                Sent from the iPad you "lost"

