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  • jakanory

    Funny story time. cos im bored.

    A little while back, i decided to pack my climbing gear, and went out for a long drive. Arrived at destination at 2.45am, put on backpack and headtorch, and started long hike to cliff face.

    Met with climbing partners at foot of face at around 5am, kitted up, and away we go. Lots of grunting and swearing, and 300 vertical ft later, we top out.

    Nice view, long chat, refueled, and they head back to car. (theyre parked around 15 miles from me) so im left with a major hike, or a shortcut down the face. Shortcut it is then.

    So's.. out with the rope, and away down the face. Run out of rope, set a new anchor point up, pull rope down, and away again. Then some rather unwelcome rockfall destroys anchor point, a big TWANG, rope goes from taught and straight to looking like a big snake coming at me, and so starts 100ft nosedive. Not the best feeling, i have to say.

    After an eternity of falling and bouncing off the odd outcrop of rocks, it all comes to a sudden stop.

    I stood up. Well my legs arent broken! then a stupid moment of looking for my body (cos i was sure i must be dead!) but no. still here. Then a crude version of 'well i never!'
    My Helmet and backpack obviously had a lot to do with me still being here. What a state!

    Adrenalin is a great thing, and so i sat to assess the damage. No broken bones bar a finger would you believe. off with the clothing. oh dear.
    Me thinks i may bleed to death before i reach the car! overtime for the old mountain first aid kit i think. One of the worst offenders was on the back of my elbow.

    As you can see from the crap pic, its on the back of my right elbow, and opened up when i bent it, so it was impossible to stitch. had to do my best with a load of steristrips and a few bandages. I was peeved it was gona spoil my tats more than owt else!

    And so.. one empty first aid kit and a few hours hike back t'carpark, we get to the bit the wifes not happy about. (apart fom the climbing).

    I sit and have some bait first. Well.. im blewdy starvin' by now.
    Then i drive home, instead of going to the nearest hospital. (my excuse is, if id been climbing somewhere like the alps, it could have been days before i crawled out, so a few hours drive home aint so bad)
    Get changed out of my bloodsoaked climbing kit, then, about 7 hours after the main event, roll into hospital.. where i get told off by some rather nice nurses. Should do this more often!

    Finger dont work too good now, and the scars are all still a bit pink and sore, but im up and fighting enough for my trip to the north face of ben nevis in a week.

    End of story. Everybody asleep now? good.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Blimey, are you that colour all over?


    • #3
      Arms top to bottom, shoulders and back are covered with no skin showing at all. (apart from scar)

      Thats where blakarm came from. Thats what my tattooist calls me!


      • #4
        Holy cow! I work at heights sometimes the roof of the Royal Albert Hall is 130ft and you fell almost that. I had a couple of mates fall from a lot less than that and are now brown bread. You are a lucky boy. Glad you did'nt damage your tats I would hate to damage mine.


        • #5
          Originally posted by blakarm View Post
          Arms top to bottom, shoulders and back are covered with no skin showing at all. (apart from scar)

          Thats where blakarm came from. Thats what my tattooist calls me!
          go on then, lets see. You been in Skin Deep? That design looks familiar.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Phantom View Post
            Holy cow! You are a lucky boy.
            Indeed. But that was just the latest. I have in recent years lost so much blood at one time, they were sure i wouldnt make it. Been dragged along the road under a moving van, did a very high speed headstand in my helmet and leathers, for about 50 yards, while still overtaking people.
            had the 'its 50/50 whether you lose your left leg', i could go on, but you get the idea.

            At least i aint broke my skull (like theres anything in it!) back or pelvis yet.


            • #7
              Originally posted by biosurf View Post
              go on then, lets see. You been in Skin Deep? That design looks familiar.
              Im not really into all that mags and show stuff, and ive never been in one or the other.
              And i never give in to all that 'get yer top off'. Unless its for the ladies.


              • #8
                I just thought it was a lot of bruises
                Too old to care, young enough to remember


                • #9
                  Well, i am black and blue all over.

