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hello fellow surfers, long time no chat

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  • hello fellow surfers, long time no chat

    hi all, its been some time since i have been on here mainly because i have moved to bonny Scotland and have been ###### job hunting for 5 months.

    as normal when i'm away from this sit i have gained many new problems with the truck but i wont get into that for know.

    any way just wanted to say hi

  • #2
    Hiya Will

    Hope you found a job by now ? Have to let me know where abouts you are for next time i'm up that way

    What have you managed to break now ?


    • #3
      hi mate,

      yer i have a job know as a lawn car specialist, its great, im outside all day making some goooood money, i love it.

      in in Dundee just signed a years lease on a flat. if you are ever up here there's a spare room and a few beers for you.

      broken stuff =
      1- cv's had it
      2- the wheel alignment is still way out.
      3- outer track rode end has gone again, i only replaced it 4 months ago
      4- prop shaft uj gone, again replaced it 11 months ago
      5- rear window not going up properly, jamming and at an skew angle.
      6- rear wiper not working
      7- i need new sus as mine has really had it know

      and thats just what comes to mind right know, aahhhhh.
      hows life back down your way?
      Last edited by surf-wejd; 4 June 2009, 21:56.

