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  • 3 Days Left

    Till i get laid off.
    I went to the job centre to see about claiming and all they said was if i'm laid off due to ill health then i wont work again.Thats even after i said i want to retrain so i can get another job.
    It makes me sick when you want a job and all these morons can say is oh well you'll never work again.What the hell do they know what i can do and can't do for christs sake

  • #2
    mate if thats the case,and do open university courses for free


    • #3
      jobcentre will do sod all but waste your time and there's for the first 6 months mate, took me about 6 weeks of dickin about vistin the place 2 - 3 times a week to have various meetings with different advisors before i got fed up, signed off, and registered as self employed so i could take on casual work. I was actually turning work down so i could go to the jobcentre to sign on and claim for jobseekers allowance, crazy situation to be in really.

      All for £90 a fortnight. Apparently because i was taking on casual work as and when i was offered it (averaging 1 or 2 days a week) that meant i couldn't be looking for full time work so i wasn't entitled to it. Yet you could have a job with a 15.5 hour a week contract and that'd be fine to carry on claiming JSA as well.
      =SOLD UP!=


      • #4
        Hi Richard, claim for disability living allowance, once granted even at the lower rate, it opens up training possilbilities, all job centers have to have a disibility adviser, the normal job center staff do not want to know, they have the normal alkys etc trying there patience all day, so when a normal person comes in they do not know how to deal with them. Call the disilbility benifits helpline, explain the situation to them, they are independent and really helpfull.


        • #5
          Chin up Richard, all these dicks know n do for ya is make ya more depressed than ya already feel n that's what ya don't need !!!!
          Keep ya dreams alive mate n focus on what ya feel ya can do n not what ya have too.
          You'll get there
          Good Luck mate

          There's always a Payback .... Don't know where n don't know when tho !!!!
          Buncefield Burner


          • #6
            Last day of work tomorrow and time to move on to something new.
            For the time i will go into breaking the surfs and i'm going to get myself a decent car trailer and start to do private recoveries.I have got a few contacts that i will be able to get some work off for the time so i'll see how that pans out and go from there.
            I'm still looking at going to college to re-train but that won't be now till September when the new courses start again


            • #7
              Hope it works out for you mate, as for job centers! forget it, their only to massarge the numbers, never had an ounce of help from em, if a jobs halfway decent it's already gone long before it appeares in the jobcenter,
              Too young to die and too old to give a toss


              • #8
                Rich, I hope it all works out for you mate, and you know where we are should you need to come up this way. Always welcome to stay mate be it one night or several

                Don't know how your fixed at moment but if you need a wee break i have a spare seat going for the welsh trip weekend after next.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Growler View Post
                  Rich, I hope it all works out for you mate, and you know where we are should you need to come up this way. Always welcome to stay mate be it one night or several

                  Don't know how your fixed at moment but if you need a wee break i have a spare seat going for the welsh trip weekend after next.
                  Well thats it i am now unemployed so the start of a new beginning.

                  Andy i may take you up on the offer for Wales but i can't say yes or no for certain for a few days


                  • #10
                    any luck finding a trailer matey?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by breakdowntruck2 View Post
                      any luck finding a trailer matey?
                      i ve seen some decent ones on ebay but till i get paid again i can't go out and buy one


                      • #12
                        Good Luck for the future mate.
                        cheers shaun
                        NO LONGER A SURFER NOW DRIVING A LEXUS


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by stormforce View Post
                          i ve seen some decent ones on ebay but till i get paid again i can't go out and buy one
                          if u find one my way,ill go check it out for u


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by stormforce View Post
                            Well thats it i am now unemployed so the start of a new beginning.

                            Andy i may take you up on the offer for Wales but i can't say yes or no for certain for a few days
                            No worries Rich, you will be more than welcome mate. Hope you can make it.

