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At last Exhaust all done.

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  • At last Exhaust all done.

    At last I've finally finished the job front pipe fitted this morning, I was told I would need some extensions for the back flange nut had to borrow more ended up with about two feet long with a flexi joint in the middle. A bit peed off though as genuine pipe never came with weird size bolts for the two clamp/mounts had to fit M6 with a nut never mind purring like a kitten now thanks for help Ian.

    By the way did anybody go to the O2 to see Nickleback last night I did what a brilliant band ! Shame about the two TW@TS starting a fight beside me.

  • #2
    Well done mate, sorted at last eh? you'l have to whip it all off now and do the stainless one!!
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


    • #3
      Ian thats not coming off !! At least until my knuckles have healed up

      Are you any further in wanting the cylinders ? pheraps you've posted an update and I've missed it just give me a shout and I will sort it.

      Off for a test drive now, then for a nice cold beer and a swim


      • #4
        And the best of luck for tommorow I hope all goes well and the weather is nice, and you and your family have a great time.........


        • #5
          Thanks Dave, the weather's looking good for tomorrow, smuggleing some booze into the hotel in our bags as it's real expensive in there, my son and the groom went there to look round and have a pint and one pt of cider and a bottle of imported beer came to over 8 quid, i'm used to "club" prices (2 pts for under a fiver) just been transferring the video tape to DVD of my eldest daughters wedding back in 1999, jeezus i'm an ugley c### and i aint getting any better with age

          Not started owt regarding the step rams mate, i wanted to find out the availability/price of the rams first before i start cutting metal, if you are able to source some/one let me know but theres no rush at all, still manageing to get the missis in the truck via some step ladders i keep in the back seat, just feel a right pair of dicks doing it that way
          Too young to die and too old to give a toss


          • #6
            If I've got the cylinders you can have em just need yo know sizes approx.

            You want be getting pi@@ed on cider then.


            • #7
              Cheers Dave, i'll have to remeasure the stroke i'll need so will let ya know, no time today as the hour draws near and i'm running to the bog every five mins
              Too young to die and too old to give a toss

