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  • Baffled...

    OK, not that unusual, and sorry for digging this up again, but when you have MPs who have been claiming mortgage allowance etc for morgages that dont exist, how can there NOT be fraud charges to answer?

    Why are they allowed to 'step down' as they put it? (Julie Kirkbride and Margaret Moran are two who have BLATANTLY fleeced the taxpayer, yet are STILL insisting they've done nothing wrong) Is that it then? Off scot free? Or am I missing something? Are there processes going on in the background to prosecute these people?

    If you or I pulled a similar stunt, we'd be in jail before our feet touched the ground. Seems if you're an MP, the law doesn't apply.
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world

  • #2
    Ive got a slightly different view of this.

    I think they should be able to claim something anyway.

    After all, are they not allowed a house expense because they've paid off their mortgage.

    Mind, the fraud allegation is still valid, however they should be able to make a claim
    私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


    • #3
      Originally posted by blackpoolsparks View Post
      Ive got a slightly different view of this.

      I think they should be able to claim something anyway.

      After all, are they not allowed a house expense because they've paid off their mortgage.

      Mind, the fraud allegation is still valid, however they should be able to make a claim
      Why should they be allowed to claim something anyway?
      it's in me shed, mate.


      • #4
        HANG the feckers,this country makes me sick,but i cant be bothered to move out,i cant afford it. I AM DEFFO VOTING BNP.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Apache View Post
          OK, not that unusual, and sorry for digging this up again, but when you have MPs who have been claiming mortgage allowance etc for morgages that dont exist, how can there NOT be fraud charges to answer?

          Why are they allowed to 'step down' as they put it? (Julie Kirkbride and Margaret Moran are two who have BLATANTLY fleeced the taxpayer, yet are STILL insisting they've done nothing wrong) Is that it then? Off scot free? Or am I missing something? Are there processes going on in the background to prosecute these people?

          If you or I pulled a similar stunt, we'd be in jail before our feet touched the ground. Seems if you're an MP, the law doesn't apply.
          And the surprise there is? It's always one rule for the ruling classes and another for the general classes.

          Just on a tangent, btw, why the feck do they refer to her as Ms Kirkbride? She's married fer feck's sake. She ain't no divorcee. Why doesn't she use her husbands surname either?


          • #6
            Originally posted by MattF View Post
            And the surprise there is? It's always one rule for the ruling classes and another for the general classes.

            Just on a tangent, btw, why the feck do they refer to her as Ms Kirkbride? She's married fer feck's sake. She ain't no divorcee. Why doesn't she use her husbands surname either?
            mmmmmm.maybe she claiming for a husband she has'nt got aswell.


            • #7
              Originally posted by surfenstein View Post
              mmmmmm.maybe she claiming for a husband she has'nt got aswell.


              • #8
                or claiming once as Miss, once as Mrs, and probably once as Ms
                Did I mention I have a BLUE one


                • #9
                  It's interesting that if I have to stay at the same place, because it's closer to my registered office than my house, then I have to pay tax on this as it's a perk. If we are paying for their mortgages, can we live in their second homes when they are not there?

                  There was one of these MPs on the radio yesterday, that said, "I don't agree with the way the rules are set up, but because I'm allowed to claim, I do" - or words to that effect.

                  Wouldn't we be better off if the government bought a block of flats (sorry, apartments) somewhere near Westminster, with enough rooms for all serving MPs and maybe a second room for family or whoever, so each has a 2 bed apartment, that is furnished, managed and paid for by the government, nothing fancy, just functional, I think this would save us, as taxpayers millions per year, and they would also be taxed on it as a benefit for their employment.....

                  This whole thing is ludicrous, not just that the 'Honourable' MPs are apparently (some of them anyway) just following the rules, and some are clearly flauting them as much as they can (Ms McBride has claimed for 'glamorous photos' of herself among other spurious claims) - a duck house, I ask you!!!!

                  You're right though - where does it end? Just leave and we'll forgot you've defrauded the government, evaded tax, got given our money for any old stuff you felt like having - just sweep it under the carpet and we'll say no more about it.....probably...but, with the recent swathes of people no longer standing, as they have clearly realised that the free lunches are over, and the upmost scrutiny is now being applied to all expenses (I think all the info is public record anyway...)

                  How would I like to see this end? Not with the BNP, that's for sure, but with a government run like a business, that has to be accountable for their costs at all times, and with this apartment block that the residents are taxed for using, they get paid more than I do, and if I have to stay over somewhere for long periods (or even if I park in the same space at work for more than 3 months or something) I have to pay tax for the privilege, so why can't they?
                  Too old to care, young enough to remember


                  • #10
                    ive always thought that the only man ever to enter parliment with honourible and worthwhile intetions was guy fawlkes.


                    • #11
                      The same rules should be apply'd to these MP's as are apply'd to benefiet cheats, when their caught fiddleing they have to pay back EVERY PENNY the benifiets office think they've ever had, they cant just say sorry! i'll not do a bit of work on the side again
                      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                      • #12
                        or the inland revenue if they think you are fiddling on your tax they are down on you like a ton of bricks.


                        • #13
                          Some latest news of the thieving scum...........


                          Read that list and your blood will boil. Moran has been claiming for her second home - in SOUTHAMPTON - 'scuse me but isn't that a few miles away from London?

                          They should be prosecuted, simple as!
                          Another member of the 'A' team


                          • #14
                            It makes me laugh, well more angry really that all these MP's are now saying they are sorry for claiming on thing they know they should'nt have.

                            They are only sorry they got caught.

                            THIEVING TW@TS.
                            If its not broke don't fix it.

