Hey guys! An handful of gals 
Huuuuge favour to ask!
My cousin an a close friend of mine are off skydiving! Nutters!
Anyway, They're doing it for charity. MNDA to be precise!
They're a very worthy cause trying to do there best to help people who suffer from motor neurone disease.
Its a horrible thing to endure.
"MND is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that attacks the upper and lower motor neurones.
Degeneration of the motor neurones leads to weakness and wasting of muscles, causing increasing loss of mobility in the limbs, and difficulties with speech, swallowing and breathing.
The muscles first affected tend to be those in the hands, feet and mouth"
A close relative on my cousins side of the family has been diagnosed with MND and after seeing his brother detoriate and die of it unfortunatly knows all to well what waits ahead.
Anyway! If you can spare any amount at all then please, please donate.
The website can be found here - http://www.justgiving.com/HayleyandGeorgie
Thank you!!

Huuuuge favour to ask!
My cousin an a close friend of mine are off skydiving! Nutters!

Anyway, They're doing it for charity. MNDA to be precise!
They're a very worthy cause trying to do there best to help people who suffer from motor neurone disease.
Its a horrible thing to endure.
"MND is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that attacks the upper and lower motor neurones.
Degeneration of the motor neurones leads to weakness and wasting of muscles, causing increasing loss of mobility in the limbs, and difficulties with speech, swallowing and breathing.
The muscles first affected tend to be those in the hands, feet and mouth"
A close relative on my cousins side of the family has been diagnosed with MND and after seeing his brother detoriate and die of it unfortunatly knows all to well what waits ahead.
Anyway! If you can spare any amount at all then please, please donate.
The website can be found here - http://www.justgiving.com/HayleyandGeorgie
Thank you!!