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  • Off Topic - Not surf related


    Sorry this has nothing to do with surfs but a freind has just bought his first car and really doesnt have a clue about cars or mechanics.

    He wants to start modding it and the first thing he sed was he wanted to change the colour of the interior trim panels. Stuff like centre console surround, side vents speaker covers on the door cards; stuff like that...

    So how would you go about spraying them?

    What materials are need.?
    What Sort of preperation is reqiured?
    And how?

    Surley it can't as simple as just cleaning them and spraying them lol someone suggested

    Any Help Much Apreocaited

    It is a black citreon saxo, and i think he wants white, something like below...

    If at first you don't succeed, redefine success

  • #2
    take off,de silicone/grease(washing up liquid is good)sand with 800 grit wet n dry,use wet,then plastic primer,white is best if he wants white any way,then then acrlic white top coat,then laquer,ps wheres me cd lol


    • #3
      Originally posted by breakdowntruck2 View Post
      take off,de silicone/grease(washing up liquid is good)sand with 800 grit wet n dry,use wet,then plastic primer,white is best if he wants white any way,then then acrlic white top coat,then laquer,ps wheres me cd lol
      OMG lol

      It's still sat here forgot about it totally, i'll post it off on Tues....sorry (so busy)....

      This might seem stupid but how do use wet and dry properly, never used it before also, have you got any links to buy the stuff to do it

      plastic primer
      acrylic white
      If at first you don't succeed, redefine success


      • #4
        Originally posted by mousey View Post
        OMG lol

        It's still sat here forgot about it totally, i'll post it off on Tues....sorry (so busy)....

        This might seem stupid but how do use wet and dry properly, never used it before also, have you got any links to buy the stuff to do it

        plastic primer
        acrylic white
        ok get a bucket,put water in bout half way then as odd as it sounds put a few drops of washing up liquid in,helps the paper move around without sticking,and off u go,just keep dipping paper back in,as for where to buy,easiest is halfords,or cheaper is find yr local paint supplier,but id imagine he is keen so off to halfords with u in the mornin


        • #5
          also note it does sound like alot of aggro,but if u skip any part of it u will end up with it flaking off within weeks


          • #6
            lol to halfrauds it is

            Yer heard of that to other people

            And will the above degrease it / de silcone it ok then?
            If at first you don't succeed, redefine success


            • #7
              Originally posted by mousey View Post
              lol to halfrauds it is

              Yer heard of that to other people

              And will the above degrease it / de silcone it ok then?
              if its caked in silicone/want to be sure,once u have the bits off put in hot and very soapy(washing up liquid)water,and scrub with a brush to be sure


              • #8
                Cheers for the replys BDT...

                One other question, he also wants to tint the windows, obviously the rear side windows wouldn't be a problem, but is it possible to tint the rear window, even thought its heated.....

                And is that limo black tint ok.... seen how to do it, looks easy just time consuming
                If at first you don't succeed, redefine success


                • #9
                  Originally posted by mousey View Post
                  Cheers for the replys BDT...

                  One other question, he also wants to tint the windows, obviously the rear side windows wouldn't be a problem, but is it possible to tint the rear window, even thought its heated.....

                  And is that limo black tint ok.... seen how to do it, looks easy just time consuming
                  yep u can do back window,front doors have to be 66 % light tho so only light smoke,or he will get pulled and told to take the lot off,also rear window on saxo is convex so will need to do it in 3 strips,when u do it,make the cuts to the heater element lines then u dont see the join


                  • #10
                    lol see ya learn something new everyday

                    id of just tried and stuck the whole thing on the back window without thinking, so obviously it will be in horizontal strips as oppose to vertical one?

                    i knew about the law on the front doors, is there any other laws on the back and rear quarter windows then?
                    If at first you don't succeed, redefine success


                    • #11
                      There's a site called www.barryboys.co.uk that deals with this sort of thing. Best he takes a look there before he does anything rash.
                      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                      • #12
                        If it's his first car then leave it standard for the first year until the insurance people can trust him, then modify. If he has a crash/claim within the first year with all the above modifications, especially window tints then his insurance premium will probably double if not more the next time.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by mousey View Post
                          lol see ya learn something new everyday

                          id of just tried and stuck the whole thing on the back window without thinking, so obviously it will be in horizontal strips as oppose to vertical one?

                          i knew about the law on the front doors, is there any other laws on the back and rear quarter windows then?
                          yep horizontal,and no laws on back windows,go as dark as u like

