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A few pic's

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  • A few pic's

    of the latest model, jeep renegade, plus a couple that were too big last time of stien and mine, jeeps had a body and sus lift equ of about 8" i'd guess,
    haveing a breah from trucks and haveing a go at this 1/16th caddy V16

    Attached Files
    Last edited by POPEYE; 21 May 2009, 14:33.
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss

  • #2
    wow nice....
    One day at the time I guess..


    • #3
      Wow, there good Popeye, wish i had that much patience, excellant work, you can be proud of them


      • #4
        love the renagade


        • #5
          Thanks guy's, i've got more patience with these than the bl00dy broadband, believe it or not it took all morning to load those few pics on there!!! phoned ntl/virgin or whever TF their called now three times, their sending someone out on the 5th of NEXT MONTH!! to update the modem but meanwhile it's as slow as f##k, driveing me nuts, missed out on a bid on ebay cos i clicked on bid with three mins to go and by the time it loaded the friggin auction was over, bstds, gonna need a serious refund to keep me with em i know that
          Too young to die and too old to give a toss

