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Split Rims

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  • Split Rims

    Just picked up 4 Split Rims with 4 Brand New tyres on for 150.00!! Thought at that price the rims would be absolute rubbish as I only wanted the tyres anyway. But they are,nt theres a bit of corrosion here and there but its only very small 2 - 3 mm hardly noticeable all they need is a real good clean and polish and they will look great on my surf. Having never done anything with alloys other than the old jet wash and never having splits before what would be the best way to clean and polish them? They are not lacquered so would I be ok using something like autosol to polish them? but what about getting the brake dust etc off them? Cheers.

  • #2
    If they are genuine Split rims just be careful n remember to deflate the tyre first... unlike some somebody we know

    There's always a Payback .... Don't know where n don't know when tho !!!!
    Buncefield Burner


    • #3
      Originally posted by Diezel Weazel View Post
      If they are genuine Split rims just be careful n remember to deflate the tyre first... unlike some somebody we know

      There's always a Payback .... Don't know where n don't know when tho !!!!

      You sorted out about posting pics yet? could tell a bit better if we could see em, the coating (laquer) on mine wasn't laquer but some sort of electricaly apply'd protective coating, it were a right bstd to get off but once your down to tha alloy any polish will do, i got a "non ferrious" polishing kit from ebay, mop buffers for a drill and two sticks of compound, once done dont bother relaquering em, the alloy keeps its shine for ages, ya can always give em a quick going over with car polish or solvol
      as Jess said if your gonna split em let the air out and remove the valve, and reseal em on the inside when there bolted back together,(and before you get the tyres put back on let it cure throughly) any good sealer will do like "sika" some firm quoted me £50 a wheel to "reseal" mine, of course they use a special blend of sealant not available to the great unwashed (according to them) b00loks
      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


      • #4
        Tried to post pics but the usb cables Knackd! Anyway had a good look at them and there is def no lacquer on them at all its just bare Ali. Its covered in brake dust and theres little spots of black here and there so I am thinking the first thing I need to do is get all the dirt/dust/spots off with some type of cleaner as I have tried Soap and Water and it aint shifting. After thats done they will need a good polish with something thats going to bring em up bright and shiny which looks like a long job but am looking forward to seeing them all sorted out and on the Surf


        • #5
          go to yr local valeters,ask them to clean them with wheel acid,if they like most use autosmart,ask them to put some trable x on them,works a treat,or buy armour all wheel cleaner from halfords


          • #6
            didn't someone use a brickcleaner solvent on theres ???
            Only Toyota can get you out of shite


            • #7
              Originally posted by joker?? View Post
              didn't someone use a brickcleaner solvent on theres ???
              oh yea forgot bout that,same acid as wheel cleaner works a treat

