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  • Immigration

    I have a random question.........

    I was just watching an episode of UK Border Force on Sky2, which was quite interesting. Basically the immigration lot have guys based in France who check the trucks for illegal immigrants before they travel on to the UK.
    Anyone who does not have a passport (they all tend to hide/dispose of them) and is hidden in a truck is removed as they are not allowed into the UK. Simples. When they are caught the French Police escort them off the site. Here is the question, we (as an EU country) are not allowing them entry, how come the French simply kick them out of the ferry terminal and don't deport them as surely they have commited an immigration offence by being in France (another EU country) in the first place?
    I keep reading about all of the problems the French are having with the vast numbers of illegals hanging around in Calais trying to get to the UK, but short of building camps to house them they don't appear to do anything else.
    Does anyone know why this is?

  • #2
    It's simple,

    There are 2 reasons:

    1) The frogs hate us (after all it's not like we love them is it ?) - so anything to cause us grief is game on.

    2) They are too busy striking for the welfare of a haddock sh@gging farmer to care about doing their proper duty !

    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


    • #3
      True! often wondered that, france, germany, others dont seem deport illeagles, they'd much rather shunt em here and give us the headache and expence
      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


      • #4
        u need to ask yrself why they are all comin here tho in the first place


        • #5

          errrrr - if they've got no papers there are a couple of problems for the French:

          1. Where do they send them ?

          2. What country would take people without papers ?

          Sorry if I'm being rational ........

          Life is too important to take seriously !


          • #6
            Originally posted by Predictable Bob View Post

            errrrr - if they've got no papers there are a couple of problems for the French:

            1. Where do they send them ?

            2. What country would take people without papers ?

            Sorry if I'm being rational ........

            thats easy,we take them,anyone who isnt born here deserves as much help as poss.....sorry am i being realistic?

