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MOT Today

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  • MOT Today

    Well the Surf is in it for its First MOT of one and a half years of sitting on my drive, wish me luck Guys and Gals, really hoping she passes, as I am looking forward to using this Beast!!!!! Will let you all know results when I get back later today!

  • #2
    fingers X for you, having gone through MOT suspense stress on thursday i know what its like!
    Landcruiser Colorado
    Sub. Forester


    • #3
      Whats the verdict doc.

      Is she dead or will she live to see another year?
      Last edited by si tate; 2 May 2009, 17:05.
      If its not broke don't fix it.


      • #4
        sorry for the late reply,

        I took it up on the day of the first post, got 5miles down the road and one of the Rad pipes popped off so had to cancel that one.

        Today however was much better! it failed on two things, One Break light and One Side light that is pretty good to say she has sat on the drive for the best part of 2 years! the only problem I have now is my radiator popped today so I am after another one!! I have put a post up in the wanted lounge so anybody near me that has a spare one I am a willing donar!! especially will be grateful when it comes to fitting it

        all the best people


