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am still alive.....

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  • am still alive.....

    sort off....
    lol how much work is a little baby.....

    nah all good just busy with the baby and all the visitors, paperwork and midwife's that come with it and have also had a couple jobs in that I am trying to get done in between..
    So yeh busy busy...

    Hopefully it quiets down tho next week and I get some time for myself to catch up on the forum

    just thought I pop in and say hi..

    Hope everyone is well....
    One day at the time I guess..

  • #2
    Hi, Toby,

    It will get quieter, in about 15 years, just try to keep up.
    BTW congratulations,
    How can someone so ugly, be the dad of such a beautyfull child ?

    Ha Ha Ha: smiley2:

    If it aint broke, keep goin' till it is.


    • #3

      Try having 2 (18 months and 4 months), any sleep is a bonus!

      .... but wouldn't swop 'em for anything!
      Bring me the head of a treehugger


      • #4

        What's with all the horror stories ? Babies are dead easy .......

        Jackie had our three a month early and brought them home when they were two weeks old. For the first ten weeks they were up once a night - between the two of us we could get them all changed, fed, winded and back to bed in around 45 minutes. After ten weeks they were all sleeping through for 12 hours a night !

        They'd only been home a month and Jackie left them with me for a weekend too !

        They're 16 now and a damned sight more hard work than when they were babies !

        Get back to work Toby !

        Life is too important to take seriously !


        • #5
          glad yr enjoying it lol,


          • #6
            Originally posted by GRASSMAN View Post
            How can someone so ugly, be the dad of such a beautyfull child ?

            Ha Ha Ha: smiley2:

            Ahhh he takes after his mom. Having fun Tobes? Hope Debs an lil un are k.
            How can I be lost when I've got no where to go

