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Swine Flu

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  • Swine Flu

    Another scary story to send the worldwide population into panic. AIDS, the Ebola Virus, Avian Flu, remember them? They were all rolled out as a potentially massive threat to mankind and the once they were no longer newsworthy they seemed to disappear.


    Of course the threat from the diseases I mentioned above are still a major cause for concern, but now this new virus has come to light it appears we are all doomed again, according to the media. Am I just being cynical, or does this smack of journalistic scaremongering?

    Naturally this is just my take on the situation, and no doubt I will be lambasted for some of my thoughts (as usual) but hey, feel free to comment.
    'Tis better to sting than to be stung!

  • #2
    Sounds about right to me. Anything to get our minds off the budget and whatever other thieving ideas the lying scum in Westminster can dream up.
    I've taken a vow of poverty To anoy me send money


    • #3
      Damn I'm going to the U.S in 3 weeks I'll bring the Pig Flu back for you all

