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  • Budget!!

    Same old same old, fags up, booze up, fuel up, Blah bl00dy blah, this lot's shot their bolt, feck all about clawing some of the cash back from these rip off bankers and politictions or better still hacking off their goolies with a rusty hacksaw blade
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss

  • #2
    oh but they are helping everyone get jobs!!........................ ....................if yr under 25
    and helping u get a new car by giving u 2k off,oh i havent got the first 6k to put down.......
    oh but they are putting everything else up
    im at the point now where id be better off if i was made redundant


    • #3
      at least the #### left road tax alone. David Cameron really ripped into old monobrow and quite right too, what a mess this country is in.


      • #4
        If you are sick of all the nonsense going on in government, have a look at http://www.order-order.com/ He is doing a cracking job of making them look silly at the moment, and starting to get results. Not that you hear much about it on the BBC...
        it's in me shed, mate.


        • #5
          Most of those under 25's dont want to work, i see em every time i drive past out local job shop, outside with their baseball caps on smokeing and gobbing on the deck, cant ya really see any employer actually wanting to give those c###'s a job, i would'nt trust em to walk my dog, it'll be the same old work scheam to get em off the unemployed numbers, just to make it look good,
          if your driveing a car over 10 years old it's prob because you cant soddin afford a new one, so if you cant afford 10 K you wont be able to afford 8K either, (handy if you were planning to buy a new one anyway, just get a banger out the free adds and tow it along to the showroom and stick you hand out)
          road tax will prob be "stealthed in" at some point, never fear!!
          Too young to die and too old to give a toss

