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£1000 in repairs, but I still love it

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  • £1000 in repairs, but I still love it

    I knew when I was buying the beast that the running costs may be a bit high, but £1K in two months is pushing it!
    It started when the girl went in for a major service, and cambelt change. My mechanic said it would take one day when I dropped it in on Friday, poor bloke returned it Tuesday as he kept finding areas where the dealer had taken shortcuts to get it through the MOT last June.
    Then while away in Scotland whilst yourselves were enjoying Yorkshire start getting vibrations from the rear after driving down a surfaces road that made Landale Quest look like a Motorway. Pulled into the nearest garage with a quick get this car on a ramp plea, only to be told the rear prop uj was damadged. Now I can tell you that the Knights of the road that wear yellow do not know what a Hilux Surf is, they sent a powerlift to tow an automatic with a damadged rear prop uj to tow me out of the glen (bush mechanics came into it (removed rear prop drove out using front wheel drive))
    My long suffering mechanic took it in to find that both UJ's were damadged but luckily the prop wasn't damaged.
    Oh almost forgot exhaust pipe split and one of the boxes was blowing.
    Just got the girl back again, and my mechanic laughingly said should he order a new head now or wait until I blow that, oh how I laughed with him, he does not know that after blowing the head on my old BMW I watch the temperature gauge like a hawk.
    But all in all I still love the girl, and when I'm back in the black with the bank will have to get her muddy again.
    Gone from 4x4 to 1x2

  • #2
    What's the mileage on your motor?
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    • #3
      98,000 kilometers.
      I did the cambelt change early, as I wasn't sure how many miles I drive round Scotland this year
      Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


      • #4
        I'm beginning to have reservations about these motors,mines is going into the garage this week,which means I lose money if they don't give me a motor to play with while it's in there.I need reliability!
        Powered by ????


        • #5
          Dont' worry. My work involves going to sites all around the London Underground. The railway is like the United Nations and my truck is gaining a fan club. There are staff from Sri Lanka, Nepal, South Africa, Oz, Nigeria you name a country and they work there. They all say the same thing. Toyota Hilux Trucks are the toughest things on the planet.

          Apparantly they make half the world feel homesick when they see one.
          It's only a hobby!


          • #6
            Mines not a problem with reliability, after all the only breakdown was the damaged UJ's.
            I just think that the dealer took all the short cuts possible to get it through the MOT and off his forcourt. He went bust two months after I bought it.
            If any one is in any doubt to the strength of these things they should try to see extracts of last years Top Gear where they set a Hilux pickup on fire, dropped it in the sea, hit it with a wrecking ball, and finally placed it on a block of flats and blow them up, only to find it still running (didn't look pretty though).
            I just hope I'm out of the woods now, cause there is no way I'm giving the girl up for a very long time (but I'm trying to save for a little Suzuk for serious offroading, I've got the bug)
            Gone from 4x4 to 1x2

