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Dog Cages

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  • #16
    When i got me colly she would drool down your shoulder or puke in the back so everywhere i went in my pickup she went, till she worked out its not going to hurt her.
    They can also spot a cat a 1000yards away so when they are in the car yapping they expect you to chase the cat for them....
    They see cars as a means of transport to the vets and the vet hurts....
    I trained and ran agility dogs for 13 years now i have given up training and the dogs are too old to run anymore..... waiting for them to die so i can go on holiday....
    Always had a cage in the van or car to stop the chinese writing on the windows and it gives them a safe environment once they are used to it.
    Just be aware that just cus they are in a cage they are not safe.
    We used to leave the dogs in the cage in the car with the tailgate open till some nosey kids dad stuck his fingers in....
    Now our dogs are good as gold with people and kids but in the cage thats thier house.
    Was good to just say "In the car" and watch peoples faces as they all just jump in the back and lay down, better than any snot nose kid would....
    Now we have to lift the buggers in and out...
    If they tried to jump out of the smurf they would shatter somthing the old coggers they are....
    If the dog paces back and forth use the old parrot trick and cover the cage so as to restrict their view.

    Remember arrows are silent.....................
    Don't forget to tell everyone its indestructable as seen on top gear.......


    • #17
      Storm loves the truck...
      He hates the little car but in the truck he is fine...
      I am getting a crate in the new truck but I just used to have a spare lead on the cargo hook and just clipped him onto that...
      Just so he cud not get in front.... Because a dog guard would not keep him in the back hehe
      But I think the crate or cages are prob the safest option...
      One day at the time I guess..


      • #18
        Was also thinking of making something like this cos the back end of the surf is quite high even without the lift kit.
        If its not broke don't fix it.

