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Spanish speakers.....

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  • Spanish speakers.....

    Any of you clever people out there speak Spanish?

    We are off to spain next week and my daughter is highly (mortally) allergic to eggs.

    I have used an online translation site to get this:

    Mi hija es muy alérgica a los huevos

    Can anyone who speaks spanish please take a look at it and confirm that it actually says that "My daughter is very allergic to eggs".

    ...and not something stupid like "my dog is full of eggplant" or similar.

    We need to be able to ask "Is this cooked with eggs" and/or "is this made with eggs" or "is this cooked made on something you have cooked eggs on".

    ...bit late to be checking now....but better late than never.


  • #2
    You'll be ok with that.....if in doubt check babelfish....
    That'll fit!


    • #3
      Bugger. The world centre for omellettes and she cant touch one!

      Not much else to eat in Spain, other than fish and chips, pie and mash and jellied eels.
      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


      • #4
        Originally posted by Apache View Post
        Bugger. The world centre for omellettes and she cant touch one!

        Not much else to eat in Spain, other than fish and chips, pie and mash and jellied eels.
        True......although the batter they put around fish is normally made with eggs......oh...and pie's normally have egg either in them or on them as a glaze.......and at 10 years old, she isn't very keen on jellied eels.

        ....so....mash and chips then.

