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  • Sorn

    Well due to the credit crunch etc etc, the time has come where I can no longer afford to tax and insure two vehicles, so I have put a sorn notice on the surf, and will probably sell it when I pluck up the courage

    She's been a good truck overall, once the head was done ( shortly after buying it)

    I just cannot afford to use it as a daily driver, and there is no decent offraoding around me, so it was only used on the Wales run, which doesn't seem to be happenning this year.

    C'est La Vie!

    Still working for the man!

  • #2
    Hey mate...
    Sorry to hear about that mate...

    How are u other than that?
    Hope u are keeping well......
    One day at the time I guess..


    • #3
      Originally posted by plumb bob View Post
      Well due to the credit crunch etc etc, the time has come where I can no longer afford to tax and insure two vehicles, so I have put a sorn notice on the surf, and will probably sell it when I pluck up the courage

      She's been a good truck overall, once the head was done ( shortly after buying it)

      I just cannot afford to use it as a daily driver, and there is no decent offraoding around me, so it was only used on the Wales run, which doesn't seem to be happenning this year.
      C'est La Vie!
      The pressure is building mate - I'm not sure how much longer I can go on without having one to organise.

      You'll have to ride shotgun with someone.

      And I'll just have to pull my finger out of my ****!

      Probably meeting with Apache this weekend for a Nags Head AGM - you know the type - drink real ale and talk total shyte all night then wonder what the hell was agreed when waking up the next day lol
      Another member of the 'A' team


      • #4
        Got Callum here at the mo so Saturday prob best. We wont have 'lodging space' however, so you may have to sort B&B.

        Do you want to do wiring of instruments too?

        Oh, and any trip to Wales, DONT give GWH the option to influence the date to sometime wet and cold ok? Do it something like July!
        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #5
          Did someone say Wales? I love Wales

          Sorry to hear you're having a hard time Rob, hopefully things will pick up soon

          Maybe try and flog that Pyrenees Trip deposit? Does everyone know that it maybe available?

          I would of been interested myself, but I'm off to Morocco in less then two weeks now (I've been dieing to say that, sorry it's a bit tactless in this thread)
          I Love Wales


          • #6
            No riding shotgun for me, I'll tax and insure it for a month, and spend a week, maybe two in Wales, as a summer holiday.

            If there is a Wales trip, then put me down as a deffo ( in case I miss the thread), I'll get there, by hook or by crook, but preferably by surf

            Toby, I'm Ok apart from the usual shoite life throws at ya, I have a job, but the money don't go far these days as you all know.

            Hell when the house is finally sold and the ex is off my back, I might even move to Wales ( it's a thought) then I would "need" the surf for the bad weather, lol
            Last edited by plumb bob; 7 April 2009, 08:12.

            Still working for the man!


            • #7
              Originally posted by plumb bob View Post
              Toby, I'm Ok apart from the usual shoite life throws at ya, I have a job, but the money don't go far these days as you all know.
              Sorry to hear mate but I know all to well what u mean....
              Hope life looks a little brighter for u soon mate.....

              Originally posted by plumb bob View Post
              Hell when the house is finally sold and the ex is off my back, I might even move to Wales ( it's a thought) then I would "need" the surf for the bad weather, lol
              excellent idea..... we are thinking of doing that too....
              maybe we can all live in the same village like one big family .... haha
              One day at the time I guess..


              • #8
                Well thank god for that - I have been so worried about you since your last thread an you dissapeared. Sorry to hear things arnt so great but I am glad you are still with us.
                How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Bibs View Post
                  Well thank god for that - I have been so worried about you since your last thread an you dissapeared. Sorry to hear things arnt so great but I am glad you are still with us.
                  Hey Bibs, Thanks for your kind thoughts, it's been a tough couple of years for me one way or another, and I'm not out of the woods yet.

                  I struggle on as most of us do, and there are a lot of people much worse off than me, I try to hold that thought.
                  Once the house is sold, I'm hoping to be able to start life anew, and maybe try to do some things I've always wanted to ( money permiting)

                  My qualifications mean I should be able to get work anywhere in the UK, so my options will be open.
                  It would be nice to live somewhere where there is terrain for (legal) offroading, and camping etc. and the wages are good and the rent is cheap ( don't want much do I? lol)

                  So I'm keeping me chin up, soldiering on etc.

                  Nil Desperandum!

                  Still working for the man!


                  • #10
                    Nice to hear from ya again ... Rob
                    Keep popping by from time to time, just to keep ya hand in n let us know how ya doing mate ...
                    Good Luck

                    There's always a Payback .... It'll take longer than five minutes tho !!!!
                    Buncefield Burner


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by plumb bob View Post
                      Hey Bibs, Thanks for your kind thoughts, it's been a tough couple of years for me one way or another, and I'm not out of the woods yet.

                      I struggle on as most of us do, and there are a lot of people much worse off than me, I try to hold that thought.
                      Once the house is sold, I'm hoping to be able to start life anew, and maybe try to do some things I've always wanted to ( money permiting)

                      My qualifications mean I should be able to get work anywhere in the UK, so my options will be open.
                      It would be nice to live somewhere where there is terrain for (legal) offroading, and camping etc. and the wages are good and the rent is cheap ( don't want much do I? lol)

                      So I'm keeping me chin up, soldiering on etc.

                      Nil Desperandum!
                      You just hold on to that thought an try to look for the good in everythin. Come to North Wales - off roading is excellent an the peeps are great too,.....
                      How can I be lost when I've got no where to go

