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Mud Terrains

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  • Mud Terrains

    Sorry to have to ask this stupid question but how good are Mud terrain tyres on compact wet sand and loose soft sand.....

    I do a lot of fishing on beaches and was wondering if its worth getting mud terrains over all terrains???

    Anyone Enlighten Me?

    Regards James....
    If at first you don't succeed, redefine success

  • #2
    Originally posted by mousey View Post
    Sorry to have to ask this stupid question but how good are Mud terrain tyres on compact wet sand and loose soft sand.....

    I do a lot of fishing on beaches and was wondering if its worth getting mud terrains over all terrains???

    Anyone Enlighten Me?

    Regards James....
    I would have thought the tread pattern wouldn't make that much of a difference to grip as most beaches are flat - ie no grip issues in climbing. I would say the best option would be to deflate your tyres by 1/3 or so - to give a bigger footprint and accelarate / brake gently - so you don't sink in the soft sand - if you see what I mean.

    My opinion ( for what it's worth) is never drive on a beach below the tide line as if you do get stuck the tide will come in quicker than you can get help!! the chances are - if a 4x4 can get stuck in the sand - then only a tractor will be able to pull you out.

    Someone will be along soon with a better knowledge of the subject.
    Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!


    • #3
      From what I seem to remeber reading when I was researching tyres muds are not the best option for sand and all terrains or road tyres are superior


      • #4
        yup as mentioned the more surface area you can get on top of the sand the better, so the fattest roads or at/s you can get, aired down a bit is your best bet, and smooth movements on the brakes accelerator and steering.

        Muds are likely to dig you in rather than help you climb out, but that's what works best in mud where they can dig through the soft stuff and find traction on harder ground below.
        =SOLD UP!=


        • #5
          off topic,mousey any chance u could do me that disc u offered b4?


          • #6
            yer all for adive, i think i'll stick with all terrains for now...

            @bdt, yer no probs, e-mail me you address and i'll get one sent out to you a.s.a.p
            If at first you don't succeed, redefine success


            • #7
              Deflated standard road tyres are best as I seem to remember from my time spent in the deserts of the middle east. Thats what all the "duners" had fitted in any case.

              Сви можемо


              • #8
                Originally posted by mousey View Post
                yer all for adive, i think i'll stick with all terrains for now...

                @bdt, yer no probs, e-mail me you address and i'll get one sent out to you a.s.a.p
                ty ty ty

