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Street scene,

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  • #16
    i passed a google car on the M25 a few days ago at J7 so i will keep an eye out for that as its going to be easy to spot "RF" on the replacement back door thanks to Richard for that door due to me finding a tree last year at RTTS.

    in other news
    Google Street View lands Brit love cheat in divorce trouble
    Show me where the trench is at or can i make one!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Bogus View Post
      I have no real issue with Google streetview invading anyones privacy. Everyone in this country is being filmed and photographed and having their movements tracked all the time by our own government anyway. The same government, that can access your phone records, your email records and your surfing habits at will. The same government that are busy encouraging everyone to snoop and tell tales on each other ( Stasi Style). What they are doing is a far greater invasion of privacy than google taking a few snaps.
      I would take issue with the "if youve got nothing to hide, youve nothing to worry about brigade" That may be true today, but will it be true tomorrow? Will it be true for future governments ? and is it actually true now ?, and while you may have nothing to hide, does that also mean that you have nothing which you,d prefer to keep private ??

      Hi, Bogus,

      Private, looks like it only comes out in daylight, don't think
      that worries me. HaHaHa. Wait for the I.R. and N.V. cameras.
      It can't see thru your curtains tho. (can it?) not high enough
      for the bedroom shots I hope.

      If it aint broke, keep goin' till it is.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Bogus View Post
        I would take issue with the "if youve got nothing to hide, youve nothing to worry about brigade" That may be true today, but will it be true tomorrow? Will it be true for future governments ? and is it actually true now ?, and while you may have nothing to hide, does that also mean that you have nothing which you,d prefer to keep private ??
        My question to the "nothing to hide, if it solves one crime" brigade is this: If 65% of all reported serious crime happens indoors, why are all the surveillance cameras outdoors?
        Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


        • #19
          If I was attempting to hide something, I probably wouldn't be doing it in broad daylight on busy public streets.

          However, I dont hold with the 'nothing to worry about if you're doing nothing wrong' argument either. I, personally, just dont WANT Tom, Dick or Harry pouring over my mobile phone records or my internet surfing habits for the simple reason that its none of their business!

          Tracking your behaviour via your online habits / people you call / what you buy using cards etc... it's not quite the same as a car driving round taking photos of your street is it?
          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


          • #20
            I have no issue with the google thing. It's all the other snooping and information gathering the government do that I object to.
            Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


            • #21
              Me too, definitely.
              Cutting steps in the roof of the world


              • #22
                Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                My question to the "nothing to hide, if it solves one crime" brigade is this: If 65% of all reported serious crime happens indoors, why are all the surveillance cameras outdoors?

                The most fundamental right of a FREE person is to call for
                help if they are being abused, unfortunately, these people
                don't always know their rights, but the bullies/abusers usally do.
                Hidden crime of this sort will never be stopped, I hope one day
                it will, but untill we all find out about it, and do something about it.
                I fear, it won't, sorry.

                If it aint broke, keep goin' till it is.

