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think these will fit a 3rd gen

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  • think these will fit a 3rd gen


    although 205 a bit small
    i x toyoyta surf 1 x toyota supra mk3 turbo auto

  • #2
    Originally posted by mkiiisupraowner View Post
    They will fit, but are narrow as you say ( 6J) That might mean they wont fill out the arch without spacers.

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    • #3
      They shouldn't be 16" rims, not from a 89 Surf.

      I've seen these wheels (and have some in the garden) and they are generally stock wheel on pre facelift Surfs, 89-91ish. And always been 15" rims.

      Check with the seller first, and they are very narrow for a 3rd Gen.

      PIckup wheels are 16", but never any 2nd Gen Surfs.
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      • #4
        Originally posted by TonyN View Post
        They shouldn't be 16" rims, not from a 89 Surf.

        I've seen these wheels (and have some in the garden) and they are generally stock wheel on pre facelift Surfs, 89-91ish. And always been 15" rims.

        Check with the seller first, and they are very narrow for a 3rd Gen.

        PIckup wheels are 16", but never any 2nd Gen Surfs.
        i,ve come to the conclusion that they are way to narrow any way.. would look silly on a surf.
        i x toyoyta surf 1 x toyota supra mk3 turbo auto

