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Pics from Slab Common

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  • Pics from Slab Common

    Me and 2 others (a Disco and a Paj (sorry!)) went to Slab Common in Hampshire on Sunday.
    I managed to get stuck for an hour in a canal! The disco couldnt pull me forward anymore, which was just as well because a marshall turned up and said that about 3 feet infront of me was a 6' deep bomb hole! When I finally got out I probed it and he was right. I wondered why no one else was attempting to drive through it!
    Not much damage to report, the water killed my remote central locking control box, I bent my nice 5mm thick bash plate and I have lost the rear brakes again. Other than that the truck did well!
    Heres the pics...

    And a movie of me getting stuck...
    Ebay search item 230357761354 !

  • #2
    sod it i missed a good day didn't i jon. so what's with the surf back breaks then ? am i right in thinking that every time you go through water they go on strike my breaks have been useless since woodlands


    • #3
      Excellent pics mate, looked like a good do.
      If its not broke don't fix it.


      • #4
        nice pictures. i loved that place. i took my 2.4 there and it was great. i always made sure i followed someone else though, except this once where i was following a landrover, and i decided that there was NO WAY i was going the same way he was...
        so i turned up and drove on the bank with him down below, and after about 2 metres in, the whole left side of his landrover fell in a DEEP hole. while i watched his car fill up with water i sat nice and dry hehe
        Oh Nana, what's my name?


        • #5
          methinks i need to visit once the truck has had it's trials on the plain

          is this through the awdc
          Last edited by BioHazard; 31 March 2009, 23:17.
          ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


          • #6
            wessex hillrunners invited kent off road club to join them and make up numbers, who's that in the paj jonny? thought it was sub at first but it's not is it?
            =SOLD UP!=

