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Spineless drivers...grrrr

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  • Spineless drivers...grrrr

    Sorry but Ihave to have a bit of a rant here, i've just replaced my front bumper with a nice new one from Lord Lucan as my old one was rusting though, get it fitted, sprayed it all with waxoyl and did the underside too while I was at it, all looks lovely. That was on Friday. Yesterday I had to park it on our road for half an hour and when I come back to it some scumbag has gone and dinted the drivers side corner of the new bumper. No note or anything.
    Why do people think they are allowed to drive off if no-one sees them do it? Christ it makes me soooooo angry
    I think I might get a massive bullbar for the front. And then weld big spikes to it.
    Oh and it is possible to hammer a dint out on a chrome bumper?

  • #2
    The chrome might crack if you hammer it out.


    • #3
      darn. I wouldn't mind if i'd dinted it myself offroading or something, it's just the principle of it. People don't seem to care about peoples property around here


      • #4
        just wondering if the same person visited here....same thing but 3 dents, 2 about 18" apart on the front and one offside corner, can I join the v angry club?
        I realy must fit that bullbar!!!!
        Did I mention I have a BLUE one


        • #5
          I had a wee lassie reverse into my car twice (by accident and writing it off) then drive off. Luckily a neighbour saw and recognised her. I bought my Surf with the insurance money
          Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


          • #6
            Originally posted by Albannach View Post
            I had a wee lassie reverse into my car twice (by accident and writing it off) then drive off. Luckily a neighbour saw and recognised her. I bought my Surf with the insurance money
            Did you give the lassie a slap so she won't do it again?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Albannach View Post
              I had a wee lassie reverse into my car twice (by accident and writing it off) then drive off. Luckily a neighbour saw and recognised her. I bought my Surf with the insurance money
              [Quote] BUSHWHACKER::
              Did you give the lassie a slap so she won't do it again? [Quote]

              Vince, don't think she needs telling !! (Andy bought the Surf ..."enough said"

              There's always a Payback .... It'll take longer than five minutes tho !!!!
              Buncefield Burner

