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churchill insurance.......grrrrrrrrrrrrr

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  • churchill insurance.......grrrrrrrrrrrrr

    I took insurance with them for the Honda....
    I pay about £30 a month.... fully comp protected no claims etc....
    Not bad....

    now then they wanted a new proof of no claims as the one I send them was not good enough so I rang my previous car insurer and they gave me a number for churchill to ring with a reference also they would send me a copy of it...
    This could take up2 3 weeks they said.....
    I told churchill and they said no worries...

    Now today a couple days before they take money out they send me a letter saying that the insurance is gone up by just under £100 a month because I have not provided the no claims discount proof.....

    Gotta ring everyone again now.... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr insurance tw@ts.......
    There is no way I am paying that kinda money......
    One day at the time I guess..

  • #2
    I'm in a similar situation with a company called SURETERM DIRECT.
    I arranged this cover over the phone and stated I have never had a claim in my life ( or over 9 years at least). i had to send my proof of no claims - which I did. I could only find paperwork proving 5 years NC as most of my earlier NCB was accrued on an employee lease scheme and since the cover was over 5 years ago - they have no records of me.
    As I'm unable to prove the missing 4 years - they have charged an extra £79 in premium ------------PLUS £100 to COVER THE COST OF PRESSING A COUPLE OF BUTTONS ON A KEYBOARD TO AMEND A NUMBER 9 TO A NUMBER 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    how can they legally charge such an extortionate amount for a few seconds work??
    They'll not be getting my buisness again - nor will they be recommended.
    Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!


    • #3
      They're the same as Lawyers, Undertakers and Vets, they use emotional blackmail to charge whatever they like.

      p.s. If you're a Vet, Undertaker or Lawyer reading this, don't come into this thread spouting off trying to justify your invoices, you're all robbing b*****ds!!!


      • #4
        SURETERM dont say that name....
        I have had so much trouble with them....
        Still haunting me...
        good luck with that one mate.......

        I rang churchill today and they rang my old insurance and all is sorted now...
        I am glad that is over.... lol

        yeh Vince u are deffo right there....
        One day at the time I guess..


        • #5
          Sureterm won't quote me for any vehicle because I have a high risk job.

          Since when has Security Officer been high risk I'd like to know, the site I work now I'm not even called security, everyone refers to it as gateman, or the one I found most funny was hearing gatekeeper being shouted over the radio, anyone for Ghostbusters.
          Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


          • #6
            Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
            They're the same as Lawyers, Undertakers and Vets, they use emotional blackmail to charge whatever they like.

            p.s. If you're a Vet, Undertaker or Lawyer reading this, don't come into this thread spouting off trying to justify your invoices, you're all robbing b*****ds!!!
            HERE HERE.

            At least dick turpin wore a mask.
            If its not broke don't fix it.


            • #7
              Mrs gwh had a renault and it broke. I cancelled the insurance and they sent me a demand for £39 quid for an "admin" charge. I asked them to give me a breakdown of this £39 quid otherwise i wouldnt pay it,and would report them to the insurance ombudsman.....aint heard a word from them
              Non intercooled nothing.


              • #8
                Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                They're the same as Lawyers, Undertakers and Vets, they use emotional blackmail to charge whatever they like.

                p.s. If you're a Vet, Undertaker or Lawyer reading this, don't come into this thread spouting off trying to justify your invoices, you're all robbing b*****ds!!!
                You Missed Estate Agents and Bank managers

                Churchill still haven't finished with my house fire claim last December !
                Death rides a Black Horse

