Hi all
Me again, a couple of years ago I abseiled 450ft for Bone Marrow, and now again I am doing a 500ft Abseil for another good cause: Myasthenia Gravis, which attacts, both men & women young and old, within their muscle system.
It affects everything that we take for granted, smiling, eating, talking and using our limbs. It is a life changing and often debilitating illness.
So please will you be kind enough to sponser me at:
If you can spare a little something for this cause I would be grateful.
Me again, a couple of years ago I abseiled 450ft for Bone Marrow, and now again I am doing a 500ft Abseil for another good cause: Myasthenia Gravis, which attacts, both men & women young and old, within their muscle system.
It affects everything that we take for granted, smiling, eating, talking and using our limbs. It is a life changing and often debilitating illness.
So please will you be kind enough to sponser me at:
If you can spare a little something for this cause I would be grateful.