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I dont believe it

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  • I dont believe it

    The scumbag banger raceing tw@t that got evicted from next door has just bought the bl00dy place, how TF did he get a mortgage??? it's only a matter of time till it's chocka out there again with all his banger raceing mates beating shoit out of wrecks, i cant take anymore like the last two years, there must be something you can do to stop that annoyance every weekend, evenings and some working days surely? i was hopeing to last out the next two years when the mortgage is finished and get the f##k out of here but i cant stand two years of that again, i would honestly be prepaired to spend the rest of my life in nick just to kill the bstd, just my luck this, f##k him,
    (sorry about the language but really well hacked off) could'nt believe it when i drove down and he was comeing out,
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss

  • #2
    f'kin hell mate!!

    That sucks!

    his mrs aint too bad but still...

    Hope he calms down or something to sort it!


    • #3
      call the police when they to noisey,or maybe try the direct approach,it does work sumtimes,ask them to keep it down


      • #4
        tech wkend round yours then ian i,ll bring reggie the sledgy,and a petrol disc cutter.im sure we will find something to cut up.eh.


        • #5
          Originally posted by surfenstein View Post
          tech wkend round yours then ian i,ll bring reggie the sledgy,and a petrol disc cutter.im sure we will find something to cut up.eh.
          theres a thought,if they get really drunk friday night,they will love hearing my stereo on sat mornin


          • #6
            Not a bad idea, only prob is the rest of the decent nabours will tar me with the same brush, Went to the council and cops last time to no avail and they found out and we got sarcastic remarks behind our backs, no other bugger seems to do owt about it, i just need to get out and leave em all to it, but thats how they win and take over an area,
            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


            • #7
              Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
              Not a bad idea, only prob is the rest of the decent nabours will tar me with the same brush, Went to the council and cops last time to no avail and they found out and we got sarcastic remarks behind our backs, no other bugger seems to do owt about it, i just need to get out and leave em all to it, but thats how they win and take over an area,
              no its fine they will just tar me matey lol


              • #8
                Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
                The scumbag banger raceing tw@t that got evicted from next door has just bought the bl00dy place, how TF did he get a mortgage??? it's only a matter of time till it's chocka out there again with all his banger raceing mates beating shoit out of wrecks, i cant take anymore like the last two years, there must be something you can do to stop that annoyance every weekend, evenings and some working days surely? i was hopeing to last out the next two years when the mortgage is finished and get the f##k out of here but i cant stand two years of that again, i would honestly be prepaired to spend the rest of my life in nick just to kill the bstd, just my luck this, f##k him,
                (sorry about the language but really well hacked off) could'nt believe it when i drove down and he was comeing out,
                I sympathise with ya Ian, I had similar nutter (Not banger) just old Cars littered n stripped out laying around the street for 10 years (Safety Hazzard & or Health risk) reported to Police, Council...
                Nobody wanted to know, he had 4 kids so he had more rights that the other 27 residents (including his, only 4 were Council properties amoungst em)
                In the end I threatened the Council with towing em up the road n something got moving.... It took 2 weeks to clear all the Rubish away ..
                Good Luck

                There's always a Payback .... It'll take longer than five minutes tho !!!!
                Buncefield Burner


                • #9
                  Try this Ian.



                  • #10
                    10 gallons of unleaded and a box of swan vesta always works well..

                    along with pizza deliveries,funeral directors,dog sh1t under the car door handles etc..

                    you may need a vindictive bitter washed up old has been, who has nothing better to do with his time...

                    where is mattf
                    Non intercooled nothing.


                    • #11
                      build yourself a banger, undo the harness bolt behind his seat, widen the bolt hole, and follow him in hard on the track, the bolt will sheer through the hole and put him through the front screen area. job done.
                      i swear, it was like that when i got here...


                      • #12
                        Thanks for the ideas guys, the extreme ones appeal to me,
                        and cheers for the link Sancho, at first glance i thought it said "have you tried meditation!!!!, that might come in handy, made a few inquiries regarding moveing/ mortgage etc and gonna put our name on the concil houseing list, see what they come up with as my wife's disabled, maybe sell this fecker and just rent and enjoy the proceeds till it runs out,
                        well day three and they seem to be stripping the place, bonfire in the garden last night in a smoke free zone, the rules dont apply to these people, also gonna keep a photo log when they get started on the wrecks, wish i had the real time google earth program
                        Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
                          you may need a vindictive bitter washed up old has been, who has nothing better to do with his time...

                          where is mattf

                          What's with the 'has been' you git.

                          I'm a 'never even was', ne'er mind 'has been'.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
                            the rules dont apply to these people
                            Fight fire with fire.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by MattF View Post
                              Fight fire with fire.
                              Matthew... Dear boy! An eye for an eye leaves us all blind...

                              Or somet!

