Can anybody help with a possibly lethal situation a friend of mine is in??
He lives in a quite part of town where lots of families live and near to a local pub which has a car park.
One of the patrons of this pub regularily drives home drunk (3-4 times a week)
This driver deliberately parks his car in a back street near to the pub and walks the 100 yards or so to and from the pub. He uses two different cars and will sometimes briefly leave the pub to re park his car on the opposite side of the street.
This strikes me as being a tad strange - unless he is deliberatley trying to avoid suspiscion of DUI. He has been witnessed on numerous occaisions staggering upto his car and actually dropping his keys.
The local police station / crimestoppers / beat bobbies have all been made aware of this situation on seperate occasions but have all given the same reply - "unless we catch him behind the wheel drunk - not much we can do"
I have suggested to my friend that he should attach a lable to the rear of the car saying something like "stop me I'm drunk"
My friend would like to confront this bloke about his drinking/driving but fears he will just park somewhere else and continue drink driving.
It seems the law enforcement is not interested in somebody who could literally kill someone the next time he drives. They know where he drinks / what days/times, where he parks, the car registrations of both his cars yet this has been going on since last year.
Can anybody offer advice??
Can anybody help with a possibly lethal situation a friend of mine is in??
He lives in a quite part of town where lots of families live and near to a local pub which has a car park.
One of the patrons of this pub regularily drives home drunk (3-4 times a week)
This driver deliberately parks his car in a back street near to the pub and walks the 100 yards or so to and from the pub. He uses two different cars and will sometimes briefly leave the pub to re park his car on the opposite side of the street.
This strikes me as being a tad strange - unless he is deliberatley trying to avoid suspiscion of DUI. He has been witnessed on numerous occaisions staggering upto his car and actually dropping his keys.
The local police station / crimestoppers / beat bobbies have all been made aware of this situation on seperate occasions but have all given the same reply - "unless we catch him behind the wheel drunk - not much we can do"
I have suggested to my friend that he should attach a lable to the rear of the car saying something like "stop me I'm drunk"
My friend would like to confront this bloke about his drinking/driving but fears he will just park somewhere else and continue drink driving.
It seems the law enforcement is not interested in somebody who could literally kill someone the next time he drives. They know where he drinks / what days/times, where he parks, the car registrations of both his cars yet this has been going on since last year.
Can anybody offer advice??