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drunk driver - help?

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  • drunk driver - help?


    Can anybody help with a possibly lethal situation a friend of mine is in??
    He lives in a quite part of town where lots of families live and near to a local pub which has a car park.
    One of the patrons of this pub regularily drives home drunk (3-4 times a week)
    This driver deliberately parks his car in a back street near to the pub and walks the 100 yards or so to and from the pub. He uses two different cars and will sometimes briefly leave the pub to re park his car on the opposite side of the street.
    This strikes me as being a tad strange - unless he is deliberatley trying to avoid suspiscion of DUI. He has been witnessed on numerous occaisions staggering upto his car and actually dropping his keys.

    The local police station / crimestoppers / beat bobbies have all been made aware of this situation on seperate occasions but have all given the same reply - "unless we catch him behind the wheel drunk - not much we can do"
    I have suggested to my friend that he should attach a lable to the rear of the car saying something like "stop me I'm drunk"
    My friend would like to confront this bloke about his drinking/driving but fears he will just park somewhere else and continue drink driving.
    It seems the law enforcement is not interested in somebody who could literally kill someone the next time he drives. They know where he drinks / what days/times, where he parks, the car registrations of both his cars yet this has been going on since last year.
    Can anybody offer advice??
    Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!

  • #2
    Get in your truck the next time he drives drunk and just bump into the back of him. Call the police they will then breathalise you both. He will get done you walk away scott free.


    • #3
      Police do not always have the resources to sit up waiting for someone to get in a car.

      Now for example say for some really strange reason someone should happen to find themselves driving behind this person.
      I think a call might be in order along the possible lines of, I am following this car and I think the driver maybe unwell or drunk. He keeps braking for no reason then speeding up, he has already clipped the kerb and keeps wandering across the middle white on to the other side of the road good job nothing was coming the other way he would have hit it head on. He has narrowly missed some park cars I am not sure but I think he may have clipped one of them he was that close to them, hes all over the road.
      Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

      My 4x4
      My choice
      Back off


      • #4
        Originally posted by Phantom View Post
        Get in your truck the next time he drives drunk and just bump into the back of him. Call the police they will then breathalise you both. He will get done you walk away scott free.
        thats exactly wot i'd do
        Originally posted by Koi View Post
        Police do not always have the resources to sit up waiting for someone to get in a car.

        Now for example say for some really strange reason someone should happen to find themselves driving behind this person.
        I think a call might be in order along the possible lines of, I am following this car and I think the driver maybe unwell or drunk. He keeps braking for no reason then speeding up, he has already clipped the kerb and keeps wandering across the middle white on to the other side of the road good job nothing was coming the other way he would have hit it head on. He has narrowly missed some park cars I am not sure but I think he may have clipped one of them he was that close to them, hes all over the road.
        aslong as your on hands free lol


        • #5
          Dont bother with the local beat officer, most of them only work days and spend most of the shift supping tea. You need to talk to the TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT. Those are the guys who live to pull drunk drivers and I'm sure that they would be delighted to take his licence away.



          • #6
            a certain person that lives by me used his works van to go to the pub and drink 8 or9 pints of cider, some one who he never found out who it was informed the police ,they stopped him when he was nearly home which is about a 5 mins drive he was border line so they let him go, did the same the next couple of days got stopped again 4 oclock in the afternoon twice the limit lost his job 12 months ban keep reporting him they will catch him sooner or later should not be driving at all.


            • #7
              just park so he can't get out... no chance of driving then
              nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


              • #8
                Hey, its that bloke that used to post on this forum!
                Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BIG GENERAL View Post
                  a certain person that lives by me used his works van to go to the pub and drink 8 or9 pints of cider, some one who he never found out who it was informed the police ,they stopped him when he was nearly home which is about a 5 mins drive he was border line

                  Now that is an impressive metabolism. 8 or 9 pints and borderline 5 mins from the pub....Wow!


                  • #10
                    I’d be inclined to let one of his tyres down.....
                    and then when he returns phone the police to say that there is a drunk guy who looks like he is trying to vandalise a car as he is trying to get the wheels off.

                    Or.... just bung up his door locks with sweet wrapper, paper or bluetac etc. And then call the police to say there is a drunk guy trying to break into a car.
                    Last edited by PDR; 24 March 2009, 10:41.
                    Mine WAS a 150 bhp V6 and ran on PETROL


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Spoggle View Post
                      Dont bother with the local beat officer, most of them only work days and spend most of the shift supping tea. You need to talk to the TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT. Those are the guys who live to pull drunk drivers and I'm sure that they would be delighted to take his licence away.

                      That is what a friend of mine did, eventually the buggar was caught (but it took a few months for them to get round to "just being there")
                      Bring me the head of a treehugger


                      • #12
                        just phone the old bill saying 'you just seen a man get into a car, he is carrying a hand gun'
                        that will get them moveing
                        Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell


                        • #13
                          Has anyone considerd going toe to toe with this bloke.....a face to face always works best
                          Non intercooled nothing.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
                            Has anyone considerd going toe to toe with this bloke.....a face to face always works best
                            The thing is - he seems so determined to drink drive -going to such lengths to avoid suspicion of drink driving - IE parking his car away from a perfectly well lit secure pub car park - that i doubt a "good excited discusion" would change his mind, he'd simply park somewhere else.
                            Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by jaky cakes View Post
                              The thing is - he seems so determined to drink drive -going to such lengths to avoid suspicion of drink driving - IE parking his car away from a perfectly well lit secure pub car park - that i doubt a "good excited discusion" would change his mind, he'd simply park somewhere else.
                              only thing i can suggest is keep an eye out for a traffic copper on the roads,when you see one stop and explain see if they can advise/help,they are easy to spot from regular coppers,much more flashy motors

