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OK oh knowledgeable ones........

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  • OK oh knowledgeable ones........

    After seeing how well you lot can identify things, i have a challenge for you .

    This item belongs to a friend who wants to find out what it is .........

    It is about 2 inches from top to bottom, 1 1/2 inches wide. It is gold and has 'Spencers London' on it, in the centre is dove carrying a branch.

    We think it is either ecclesiastical or masonic..........

    Lets see what you lot come up with.........

    ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'

  • #2
    i know what it is...it's gay.
    it's yeti gay infact, which is almost as bad as wodders gay, thats how gay it is!
    i swear, it was like that when i got here...


    • #3
      Try contacting these guys - http://www.toye.com/

      Good luck

      Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


      • #4
        I'd guess at Salvation Army, personally.


        • #5
          Originally posted by MattF View Post
          I'd guess at Salvation Army, personally.
          But yeti is BEYOND salvation !!!!
          Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


          • #6
            Well, the dove with a stick in its mouth is a dove of peace. It says 1940-41 so was made during the second world war. It's possibly something to do with conscientious objectors? It's not quakers, as they're not divided up by County. Possibly one of the non-combatant corps?


            • #7
              Looks like a Victorian type mourning locket to me, they were very keen on that type of thing back then, you had mourning clothes, jewellery, hankerchiefs, etc there were set times for things, like you wore black for the first year, then dark purple, then grey, maybe the dates on it pertain to a child that died, could be totally wrong, but its like one I saw in York, except that was Jet, yeah I know its 1940's but it was still done even then.


