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No Sound

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  • No Sound

    I still have the original Toyota stereo in my truck. I know it only plays Radio 2 but I have a Pure Highway DAB that plugs in nicely. Anyway, my problem now is that I have virtually no volume. And yes I have tried turning it up. At full volume, you can just hear it with the engine ticking over. It's not a permanent fault but intermittent. Anyone got any ideas what might be wrong?

    All help greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    no sound

    Hi how have you got the "DAB" plugged in.????

    Regards Hilux Bob
    Live Life To The Full


    • #3
      The DAB sends out it's own FM signal so no "plug in".


      • #4
        My stereo in my ssr-g is a nightmare, home bodge of special proportions ending up with no bass from anywhere. Ive been doing the tinternet search thing and evidently the factory fitted amp runs off the power ariel, has a relay of something, not figured it out totally. But if now with your DAB, not jealous or out, you're not using the ariel then it seems the amp wont kick in, hence lack of volume. Just a guessing. Im just in the process of ripping my whole setup out and redoing the lot lol oh joy


        • #5
          Just a guess but maybe the jap radio does not tune into the perfect frequency of the DAB output.

          If the DAB thingy works fine in all other cars then change the radio in the truck to a UK one. If radio is all you need then get down the breakers yard and pick up a cheapy.


