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  • Insurance

    All mods declared, lifted, tyres etc, 2 drivers, offroad cover.... £175 with a £50 excess.
    That'll do nicely!

    from here http://www.noeldazely.co.uk/4x4.html

    Thats half my renewal quote that had a £400 excess!
    Ebay search item 230357761354 !

  • #2
    Thats a lot less than £450 fully comp 1 named driver £200 excess and thats with 73% n.c.b.
    We,ve got to move, we live in the most heavily loaded area in the country.
    Last edited by Brummie; 18 March 2009, 23:59.
    I've taken a vow of poverty To anoy me send money


    • #3
      Going to get quote from them tomorrow as not happy with current insurer although renewal is only £210


      • #4
        CHRIST ON A BIKE !!!!!!!

        £ 177.50 !!!!!!

        All mods declared, me and the wife, fully comp £50 excess full ofroad cover...looks like they have my business then
        Non intercooled nothing.


        • #5
          Jesus on a chopper indeed! (no not like that!)

          Do they replace mods like adrian flux? Either way, thats damn cheap and I think they'll be getting my custome next time!

          good find sir!


          • #6
            Originally posted by biosurf View Post
            Jesus on a chopper indeed! (no not like that!)

            Do they replace mods like adrian flux? Either way, thats damn cheap and I think they'll be getting my custome next time!

            good find sir!
            Not sure if they do or not and I cant find any wording on the schedule about it. Cover is provided for off roading though!
            It also says that they dont apply any existing no claims bonus or issue them at the end of the policy. Therefore I should be able to swap all three of my policies around to save money. I can insure the truck in my name instead of Katies, use the 8years NCB she has built up on it on the Focus by insuring it in her name instead of mine, and use the 3 years NCB currently with the Ford on the 106 instead of the one years NCB it currently has!
            Bargains all around!
            Last edited by Jonny77; 20 March 2009, 00:25.
            Ebay search item 230357761354 !


            • #7
              just on the offchance that any of that is being...creative it might be worth deleting that. Had someone on another site I'm a member of whose insurance invalidated his policy due to something he had posted on a forum. Their bl00dy eyes are everywhere


              • #8
                Got quote in from them today at £247.00

                Not to bad really, until I realised it was with the same insurance company I am currently with and my renewal is only £210 from my current broker


                • #9
                  Must admit they were very fair with me , accepted they couldn't beat the Flux quote but could match it, however when I mentioned the second Surf they beat Flux by A clear £100 and better cover
                  Death rides a Black Horse

