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  • #31
    Originally posted by Albannach View Post
    Looks good.

    Only thing I'd ask is the bit circled in the attached picture, did you straighten it out?

    My thought's were, how is the flexi pipe sealed into to the PVC
    pipe? I'm not nit picking just don't want to see a surf engine
    full of water. Take the tools required to remove the glow plugs
    should it fill with water.
    If it aint broke, keep goin' till it is.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Albannach View Post
      You need some kind of drain somewhere, or something to keep moisture out.

      I've not looked, but the drains inside filter housings tend to be on the dirty side of the filter and are generally one way valve affairs.

      As I said, not looked, so am up for correction.

      Fair do's....I was also trying to think of a one-way valve type thing....some floaty ball valve (pingpong ball that seals a hole).....or even an old ball-cock type thing


      • #33
        Originally posted by Ava_Banana View Post
        Fair do's....I was also trying to think of a one-way valve type thing....some floaty ball valve (pingpong ball that seals a hole).....or even an old ball-cock type thing
        I've seen some that have a longish tube that's closed at one end. The weight of whatever is in the tube is supposed to open the end and let whatever is in out. In reality, they just choke up!
        Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


        • #34
          not a bad job mate in my opinion
          just make sure you do it right if your planning on going in deep water
          it needs to be sealed realy tight it sucks like a hoover dip that in water its all ends badly
          just check its tight and sealed
          bung the hole up in the bottom of the air box
          K&N do a filter that dont let water though use that on the top
          take out the standard air fliter
          makes a loverly sound and its a bit of a power boost too
          acts like an air injection kit
          but thats just my opinion
          am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


          • #35
            There wont be a power boost - if anything there'll be a loss due to the extra pipework. There is a turbo in the way and that will negate any tiny ram effect you'll get. It 'sounds' more powerful though, with the passenger window down

            Also, a snorkel isn't designed so you can wade up to the top of your screen. Various ECUs and sensors will take exception before you get to that point. Look on it as an insurance policy incase you cock up and end up with a wave hitting the front of the truck. Keep going bonnet depth regularly and you're asking for trouble, snorkel or not!
            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


            • #36
              hi all i didn't fit the snorkel so that i could wade through water up to the roof on the rtts last year richard sucked up water and his truck is a hell of a lot higher than mine i only intend to drive in water lets say up to the top of my tyres but if i miss judge it and the water comes over my bonnet (just) then i wont my truck to survive but thanks for all the advice

