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How do I open two web pages at same time?

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  • How do I open two web pages at same time?

    Can any body help with this little problem?
    I've just set up two 17" monitors to run side by side in dual mode to give more screen space when photo editing.
    I'm running windows XP and using windows Internet explorer. I want to be able to have two or more web pages open at once -side by side on the screen -rather than having to switch between pages using tabs etc.
    Is there something in the settingsd to enable this??
    Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!

  • #2
    Erm, Have you tried the blindingly obvious, have 2 browser sessions running ?
    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


    • #3
      errrr ..no! but that does exactly what i've been trying to do for the past few days!!
      thankyou very much!
      Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!


      • #4
        I use IE, but not much, my normal browser is firefox

        But I can have multiple IE sessions no problem on my XP machine

        and that's with firefox running 1/2 dozen tabs
        Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


        • #5
          I'm one of those people who just go along with the norm - ie preinstalled software - and normally have no problems.
          however i suppose i don't really know what I'm missing with other software.
          Is there any big differences with firefox etc as opposed to IE??
          Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by jaky cakes View Post
            I'm one of those people who just go along with the norm - ie preinstalled software - and normally have no problems.
            however i suppose i don't really know what I'm missing with other software.
            Is there any big differences with firefox etc as opposed to IE??
            It's slightly different, and has the odd widget that IE doesn't (met office and ebay come to mind)

            It also comes a free open version of office (bugger Micro$oft)

            Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


            • #7
              Download Internet explorer 7, it's free and there's a tabbed browsing feature.


              • #8
                under file drop down you will find open new tab.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jaky cakes View Post
                  Is there any big differences with firefox etc as opposed to IE??
                  One is a nice standards compliant browser and the other is a heaving piece of shit which ought to be lead plated and rammed down Gates's throat. Guess which is which.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by MattF View Post
                    One is a nice standards compliant browser and the other is a heaving piece of shit which ought to be lead plated and rammed down Gates's throat. Guess which is which.
                    That's brilliant!



                    • #11
                      Download Firefox n ya can't go wrong !!!
                      Typical Matt comment

                      There's always a Payback .... It'll always take longer than five minutes !!!!
                      Buncefield Burner

