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ps3 games

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  • ps3 games

    is there a way of finding out wot exactly is on the shelves for the ps3,wii etc in japan at the mo?long story but my dear old mum is on round the world cruise,which shortly stops at japan,ive been googling but no luck

  • #2
    They will all be in japanese mate... they will be cheap but pointless.

    Anything with a story will be lost.

    Not sure how to find out either.

    Most of the titles will be similar to here apart from less shooting games an more rpg's which just goes back to " you wont understand it dont waste your money"


    • #3
      Originally posted by RodLeach View Post
      They will all be in japanese mate... they will be cheap but pointless.

      Anything with a story will be lost.

      Not sure how to find out either.

      Most of the titles will be similar to here apart from less shooting games an more rpg's which just goes back to " you wont understand it dont waste your money"

      but every ps3 game u can set the language?


      • #4
        Originally posted by breakdowntruck2 View Post
        but every ps3 game u can set the language?
        On subtitles etc but main vocal stuff will all be in the native language of the country the game was picked up in.

        Which will be Japanese.. which means it will make no sense at all.. something like motorstorm 2 you'll probably just about get by without being worried by it. But Killzone 2 or something useless...


        • #5
          Originally posted by RodLeach View Post
          On subtitles etc but main vocal stuff will all be in the native language of the country the game was picked up in.

          Which will be Japanese.. which means it will make no sense at all.. something like motorstorm 2 you'll probably just about get by without being worried by it. But Killzone 2 or something useless...
          just looked further into it,vocal can be changed!


          • #6
            Originally posted by breakdowntruck2 View Post
            just looked further into it,vocal can be changed!
            Only if its been recorded in multiple languages.. which most wont be.


            • #7
              Originally posted by RodLeach View Post
              Only if its been recorded in multiple languages.. which most wont be.


              • #8
                Thats not much different to what i just said here.

                any text can easily be changed.. but re-recording vocals is expensive. So its normally not done.

                As far as stuff on the shelves over there... its mostly dodgy RPGs.

                Honestly... it wont be worth bothering with. You know how tight i am mate... If i thought it was a good way of getting cheap games i'd be over it like a rash!

