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Insurers can ease burden of weather-related claims

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  • Insurers can ease burden of weather-related claims


    How? what difference will it make?
    If it can be broken it can be fixed

  • #2
    they'll have a bit of paper to back them up when they turn round and say your claims bullshit we don't wanna pay it.

    - seen the film 'the man who sued god'
    =SOLD UP!=


    • #3
      Originally posted by nero279 View Post
      they'll have a bit of paper to back them up when they turn round and say your claims bullshit we don't wanna pay it.

      - seen the film 'the man who sued god'
      But the weather man / woman often gets it wrong!

      I have seen the film and had similar happen to me! lost my boat in storm and insursance would not pay as they said it was an act of god! not as funny in real life and the #######s never paid. But the house insurance paid up for the contents within 14 days of making the claim no questions asked!
      If it can be broken it can be fixed


      • #4
        exactly, but almost every insurance policy going has that same clause in it, it's a get out of jail free card for the insurers.

        I think i'm right in saying that this new database is based on actual weather recordings rather than forecasts, but I don't see how it helps the insurers in any other way than to enable them to deny claims on the grounds that the weather recorded in the area wasn't severe enough to cause damage. They know the areas affected by bad weather already, the most severe weather is where the majority of claims are coming from surely?
        =SOLD UP!=

