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@ Langtounboy?

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  • @ Langtounboy?

    Hi, got you email regargind the tape but for some reason your server seems to be rejecting my reply, so this is what i said, wrote, typed
    Hi Dave, you'll have to refresh my memory as to what thread it was, i take
    it you mean the standard surf window wind deflectors? mine are held on by
    clips, the tape that was in there was just the sticky back sponge type tape
    mainly to stop em rattleing (as mine now do) i dont have much of the red
    backed tape i think i was on about but have some comersial velcro type
    sticky back tape, you just stick a lenght to each side your joining and then
    press the parts together and believe me they stay stuck together, it's only
    as good as whatever your sticking it to tho and you'll prob find that if you
    want to remove the part the sticky back will give before the velcro parts
    company, also have some sticky tape that we called "snot on a roll" dunno
    the proper name thats ###### sticky too, fixed some mirroe tiles to the
    kitchen wall ages ago and what a f##ker to get off, it stretches like hell
    and just looks like --well "snot" orribel stuff, hovever your welcome to
    some of each if you want, let me know and send your postal addy and i'll get
    some off to you, for the best results i'd wash the area to be stuck with
    panel wipe or a good degrease
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss

  • #2
    Anyone know this guy? his or my email aint working so would apprecieate someone pointing him to this thread, cheers
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss

