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lousey scumbags

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  • lousey scumbags

    My eldest daughter and her friend have just started out on their own hair dressing, got a good deal on a sallon where they live in gosport and some bastd broke in the second night of opening and nicked £80, cant for the life of me think why they left money on the premises, and the alarm off, seems a bit coincedental to me, i know my daughter would'nt be involved but have to wonder about her partner or the woman who ownes the sallon, cops have been called and are sending a SOCO team today, apparantly they broke a window at the rear and "sawed" through some bars to gain entry, never touched anything else except the cash, i may be pesimistic but i'm smelling a rat here, feckin good start
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss

  • #2
    Hmmm, it does smell a bit.


    • #3
      alot of aggro for 80 quid tho?


      • #4
        Well it does and it was, i'd charge more than 80 to saw out some bars, dont suppose owt will come of the police investigation, (if they bother at all)
        they should have known better than to leave cash in there like ya never leave power tools in your van,
        Too young to die and too old to give a toss

