In southampton there's a lovely wide dual carriage way that has a 30mph speed limit. Unfortunately I was caught on camera doing 35. I've received a NIP, Notice of Indended Prosecution, and was about to fill it ii when I saw the date of the offense; 02 Jan 09. Looking at the DVLA website they say that this NIP must be received within 14 days of the alleged offense.
This is over 6 weeks and the NIP was only posted 6/3/09.
What is it that I should do now?
I can't contact the w@nkers that operate these cameras until Monday, what do I say to them?
This is over 6 weeks and the NIP was only posted 6/3/09.
What is it that I should do now?
I can't contact the w@nkers that operate these cameras until Monday, what do I say to them?