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  • #46
    Originally posted by Apache View Post

    This HAS to be a troll - and a very successful one!
    That's what I thought, but I can't help but bite.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Sancho View Post
      That's what I thought, but I can't help but bite.
      You told me if the dog was stupid or slow, blowing in its nose wasn't fair


      • #48
        Originally posted by yoshie View Post
        You told me if the dog was stupid or slow, blowing in its nose wasn't fair
        You inserted the first two adjectives, but I did indeed. In this case though, I feel like the dog being tormented.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Sancho View Post
          You inserted the first two adjectives, but I did indeed. In this case though, I feel like the dog being tormented.

          Good boy......
          Too old to care, young enough to remember


          • #50
            Well its my turn now...

            good cat appears to have researched his racist,bigoted post via the tabloid media. I ,along with any other sane person,feel a sense of injustice when someone blatantly takes the pi55 out of the system,but it matters not what creed or colour or race or religion they are..its more to do with the great british sense of fairness.I disa gree completely with not allowing immigrants to work....its about the most idiotic thing i can think off.What choices does an illegal worker have..low pay..ilegal conditions, maybe crime, to put food on the table.From an economic point of view,the policing off our borders is neccessary,but expensive. Why add to that cost detaining someone who's only wish is to get a little work,even working illegaly puts a little money back into the local economy.The huge sums spent locking up harmless immigrants could be put to much better use,policing the borders more stringently to keep the real bad eggs out, and hurrying along the deportation of those that really do have no valid claim.

            A big problem has been that for years,a common response to a request for enlightened ,serious debate on immigration has seen people labelled racist for even daring ask the question.....but any sane person would know, that with proper debate and regulation,legal licit,immigartion enriches our country.

            From the superb indian restaurant near apache's house, to the sublime french markets,most south coast residents can enjoy.........are we too xenophobic to relish this diversity within. Yes we should have a sense of national pride,get the dole queue shortened,and make a change to the benefit paradox, so its not so damm easy to live without working...in fact everything everyone has so far said.

            I note though that in goodcats original post he mekes a reference to hitler and the uk and the us,if it was not for us etc......

            well, hitler entered power,fresh from an economic disaster,huge hyper inflation etc..he blamed the jews, amongst lots of others, mostly non aryan,for the country's ills

            and goodcat is blaming all immigrants for britains ills...go figure...are you also of the nazi ilk ??
            Non intercooled nothing.


            • #51
              Originally posted by MattF View Post
              Stupid and immature? You really should read the crap that you are posting before spouting that shit. Oh yes, we have left our mark on the world. If you want to talk in the present tense, (after the Empire was abolished), you go and ask any Iranian exactly what 'mark' we and the Americans have left on their country within the last thirty years.

              I honestly would try to blame your stupidity, arrogance and naivety on youth, (I assume you are either young or extremely bigotted?), but by crikey, even that is no excuse for spouting the complete and utter b0llocks that you are doing.
              Steal my thunder next time LOL, You do put some class in abusive posts Matt


              • #52
                Originally posted by Cant Get Right View Post
                Steal my thunder next time LOL, You do put some class in abusive posts Matt
                One tries ones best.


                • #53
                  don't associate anything classy with him!!! hi, matt (you to5ser)

                  i think goodcat is a genuine wind up merchant and that his real name may be billy.

                  if so, he's got you all going again...
                  i swear, it was like that when i got here...

