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Robin Williams makes the news in USA

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Apache View Post
    The UN??? really??? When was the last time they REALLY made a difference - or indeed a decision??
    well yeah true but the point i was making is that its still a sign of our power and how we have still managed to stay on top and be apart of a current force known world wide.

    India? Slowly but surely becoming a real world power. Why? Because they are doing the work the west will no longer do, or indeed is capable of. Who is building a car industry which WILL overhaul those in the west? China? Already a superpower and have been for some time. Having their own industrial revolution now, but being frowned upon because of their pollution. Did we pollute at all? No, not us! We're BRITISH!
    yes thats NOW.....i was talking about during the Brtish Empire when India wasnt like this. and they wouldnt be where they are if it wasnt for us....fact. back then ONE of us would have anything upto 50,000 indians to govern! that is power and just shows how useless they were and that if it wernt for us they wouldnt be where they are now. fact
    and i wasnt talking about china. but as you mention them who was it that started their industrial revolution?? surprise surprise it was us. and fair play to them coz they were always a great nation and empire and they took what we helped them with to a whole new level and are where they are today because they were a people that wanted to better themselves like we were. we just gave them a BIG helping start and they carried it on. well done to them.

    A slight generalisation I think. Dont start quoting Christianity though. Not like it's ever caused any bloodshed itself is it?
    yeah i know. im not a religious man but regardless of what i think i still have to live under christianity coz thats what our society is based on.

    Steer clear of big words, especially if you cant spell them. Perhaps you've come from one of these countries where the "thickos" live?
    AGAIN.....i was talking about during the Britsh Empire...not now. *sigh*

    And we didn't do this during empire times? Did we not bring anything to the countries we built?
    yes of course we did. but do we STILL live like that? no we dont. some of the countires im talking about STILL do.

    You really are leaving quite a nasty taste in my mouth now...
    your just nit picking now. i like how you didnt quote the rest of that sentance explaining myself *sigh* it seems you have something against me and that your ONLY trying to put anything i say down. i raised a topic based around generlisation, fact and opinion......for discussion. not to start a thread war.

    No it hasn't. This attitude is verging on extreme right wing. Why dont we just wipe out the f*ckers who cant help themselves eh?
    no it isnt? are you crazy? take Iraq and Afghanistan for example. they hate us.....but they were happy to get our help getting rid of Sadam and now in fighting the Taliban and so becoming our friends but now the worst of it is over they want us gone and hate us again. we spent ages building the Iraqi police force to a level where they can take over for themselves and now they pretty much can, they are doing their best to tell us to pi$$ of out their country. i see they are now back to rioting/protestin in the streets waving their AK47's around demanding we leave. ungratfull gits. yeah your welcome.

    OK, eastern europe (where most of our builders are coming from now) - they aren't coming here becasue their countries are (or have been) in recession? Not because of the poor weather? Because their property is worthless? No, it must be because they cant run their own country...
    regardless of why they are leaving to come here, my point is that had they sorted their own country out in the first place they wouldnt need to leave. you may say im being byast or even hypocritcall when i say its ok for Brits to leave but i see it as kinda going for a job...by that i mean if a Brit leaves to go somewhere and they look at his CV and they see the Britsh Empire and the countless countries we have modernised.....and then they look at an asylum seekers CV and see FCUK ALL, wouldnt you as an employer think....well why should i let you in, what have you done. (i was speaking metaphorically then incase you start going on about employers or whatever)

    Oh hang on, thats exactly why Brits are leaving, and taking jobs in USA, Australia, New Zealand etc etc... You're talking so much shite
    how can you say we are just as bad!? atleast we will give something back to where ever we go. we're not going off to america and austrialia etc to steal jobs by working for almost next to nothing and then only to send the money back to Britain and so draining our new homes economy are we??? again im generalising of course. not all migrants are bad. but if your talking about eastern europeans then thats what the majoirty of them are doing. im not being racist when i say that coz its just a fact. particually with the eastern europeans, they are taking the money they earn back to their original country as well as bringing with them a crime wave. some of these people are just nast people. they dont know any different back where their from.
    so if we compare the Brits who are leaving compared to these and the other nasty migrants "im refering too" (not all of them!) then how can you say were the same!? shame on you for even suggesting that we are. other nations should be and would be privalaged to have some Brits comming to their countries. or would they rather have the ones we have have to put up with here in th UK? exactly.

    But... hang on... You're thanking our forefathers for NOT leaving and sticking with this country now. What EXACTLY is right? Just as well they didn't think "this is too hard, life is easier overseas, I'm off!" isn't it? Or Brunel might have been a famous American.
    huh? yes that is what im saying.

    Dont care too much. Personal attacks on a forum eh? However would I sleep?

    So Brits who want to leave, aren't people who want to leave? As long as they DONT come back after the recession eh?
    we're not leaving a country in dier need and that has no future. we have already made our mark on the world and we will be just fine. we can afford for some to migrate.

    a lot of what i have is of course in generalisation and if you have a basic knowledge on how to read you wouldve realised this. so why you have turned it all around on me and having a go at me is just stipid and imature.
    maybe you have issues and you think people are always trying to be one better than you or to correct you all the time? i dont know.
    anyway this was never my intensions so FFS ease up!


    • #32
      Originally posted by Sancho View Post
      Crikey. I chose to ignore the original post as it is almost certainly not from Robin Williams (who is a prick, regardless) and most of what is supposed to be ironically funny in it is actually probably a good idea.

      Genuine asylum seekers are fleeing opression, violence, imprisonment and often death. They're not leaving because it's not very nice and they don't have a telly.
      yes i know mate. i NEVER said they were. people need to stop miss reading what i have written.

      How many Brits work in Dubai?
      yes but the point im making is that they are not people who are leaving home for a better job/life knowing that they have left a country that is in chaos. coz they havent. their country (the UK) is doing just fine. and always will be.

      Why don't asylum seekers stay at home and sort it out? Because they'll get killed.
      yes unfortunately this is the case i know. again my point is why is it like this? our country isnt like this now is it? nope. we've done so much over the last 500 years to get to where we are now....what have they done? what were they doing? not much. now we have to help sort out others mess again. that gives me the hump. BUT EVEN SO im still glad to be a part of a nation that will help others. a lot of you are making out that im a monster and that i dont care and that we shouldnt help them. i have clearly stated that this isnt the case. i mearly brought up one side of the argument suggesting why we shouldnt....NOT that i agree with it. its called a discussion! *sigh*

      They are far more effective living in exile somewhere bringing matters to the world's attention and doing what they can to resolve things in another country than they are dead.
      thats a nice theory. wish it was true tho.

      Referring to immigrants as 'primitive savages' or 'living in stone huts' belies a level of ignorance that I have never even considered could exist. Eastern Europe has the same level of technology and civilisation as Western Europe. The Middle East was home to some of the great civilisations whilst we were still running around in loin cloths. The Indian sub-continent was fine until we fcuked it up and, again, is our equal in terms of technology and civilastion.
      im only going to say this one LAST time! I WAS REFERING TO "DURING THE BRITISH EMPIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! NOT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ffs learn to read!
      and anyway how do you think they they got that technology and standard of living????? surprise surprise it was us again.

      Goodcat, your ridiculous opinion is so full of holes that I could go on forever.
      no not really mate. you and others have just jumped on the band wagon to put me down (rather childish really )and as a result you have all become narrow minded and MISSUNDERSTOOD what i have said.


      • #33
        im not going to reply anymore. some of you are uncapable of discussion and looking at things from both sides. you all seem to think that i have choosen one side to the argument which i havent.
        i cant say anymore than i have already written.


        • #34
          A fine lesson in social economics!

          If Brits (in general) leave to work in another country, most of the time, it's the whole family unit - the work. sale of the house etc pays for (mostly) the cost of the whole family moving to the new location.

          If EE/CE residents leave their homeland for work (in general), its just one of the family unit that will move - they can't afford to move everyone else. The work they are doing is low paid in comparison to work here, but reasonable in comparison to where they are from. So - given the company they work for is unlikely to pay relocation, they can't affort to move everyone over, even by selling their house, as the house prices don't compare, then one goes and sends money back to the household, to put them in a better position (if things go well) to move the rest of the family over. Most will be contributing to the state via taxes (if legitimately employed) and so will the rest of the working family members when they can afford to move over.

          Your arguments may have benefited from being a little more elucidated, making references to an era none of us remember or were part of doesn't really substantiate your argument too well.

          How well do you understand Indian politics and social history? Given your comments about how backward they would be if it weren't for the Brits coming over and 'liberating them' from their way of live - I would assume that you don't have a great deal of reference material to call upon. Power? That wasn't a display of power - that was a display of ignorant, arrogant dictatorship and greed. Back when it was acceptable (in some eyes) to arrive on foreign shores and claim the place and it's people to be your own - utterly preposterous - but it was how life was. We have, I hope, moved on - and referring to this period of time as a mechanism to explain why other people should not be allowed to arrive in 'your' country and settle is, frankly, indefensible.

          I see your point in reference to Saddam and co - were countries have become involved politically, but really for their own means - I don't see any of these countries doing anything about Robert Mugabe....no oil in Zimbabwe though....and that now things have been Westernised, the people who are in charge, want these other people out so they can get on with it - but it's usually never that simple, particulaly when billions of dollars of oil are involved. It's in their best interests to stick around and make sure things stay going their way...

          I have the privilege of working with people from all over the world, and have also had the displeasure of meeting a lot of bigots, racists and xenophobes along the way....everyone has their opinions, and I don't judge whether they are right or wrong, but sometimes ill advised statements of so called fact do wind me up.

          If you can't prove something - don't state it as fact. It just serves to make you the target of ridicule and big long replies..

          Anyway - I'm off to walk the dogs and scare the neighbours with my nice big scar!
          Last edited by MudSurfer; 5 March 2009, 17:32.
          Too old to care, young enough to remember


          • #35
            Goodcat, cant u post posts with just one line, Jeez all the posts i read of yours are mega long and i get bored after the first line, not just on this thread but on others, and stop agreeing with what everyone else says, you agree to both sides offf someones argument sometimes. Sorry just ur posts were boring me from reading a lot of threads cos they were so long. i never read them, cos my attention span aint all that long


            • #36
              Originally posted by goodcat View Post
              no not really mate. you and others have just jumped on the band wagon to put me down (rather childish really )and as a result you have all become narrow minded and MISSUNDERSTOOD what i have said.
              I'm not jumping on any bandwagon, I just can't believe that someone could be so ignorant of the world around them. So, seeing as I could go on forever:

              Genuine asylum seekers are fleeing opression, violence, imprisonment and often death. They're not leaving because it's not very nice and they don't have a telly.
              yes i know mate. i NEVER said they were. people need to stop miss reading what i have written.

              Fair enough, you didn't, but you seem to imply that they have a choice in the matter and it would be better for them to stay there and get killed than it would to live here

              How many Brits work in Dubai?
              yes but the point im making is that they are not people who are leaving home for a better job/life knowing that they have left a country that is in chaos. coz they havent. their country (the UK) is doing just fine. and always will be.

              Eastern Europeans aren't leaving 'countries in turmoil' you halfwit. They are leaving perfectly civilised countries that are, in many ways, better than Britain. Have you been to Prague, or Talin, or Budapest? Obviously not. They are ECONOMIC MIGRANTS. They come here for money, the same as Australians and the same as we do when we go to Dubai

              Why don't asylum seekers stay at home and sort it out? Because they'll get killed.
              yes unfortunately this is the case i know. again my point is why is it like this? our country isnt like this now is it? nope. we've done so much over the last 500 years to get to where we are now....what have they done? what were they doing? not much. now we have to help sort out others mess again. that gives me the hump.

              What was who doing? The Eastern Europeans were developing industry, architecture, high-volume farming and culture beyond anything we have here. The arabs were trading with other nations in fine fabrics, spices etc and developing some of the world's greatest cultures. The Indians etc were building vast palaces, farming and generally creating somewhere that even today is mind-blowing to a westerner.

              They are far more effective living in exile somewhere bringing matters to the world's attention and doing what they can to resolve things in another country than they are dead.
              thats a nice theory. wish it was true tho.

              http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benazir_Bhutto http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leon_Trotsky http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stokely_Carmichael
              http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ngugi_wa_Thiong%27o http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breyten_Breytenbach

              Referring to immigrants as 'primitive savages' or 'living in stone huts' belies a level of ignorance that I have never even considered could exist. Eastern Europe has the same level of technology and civilisation as Western Europe. The Middle East was home to some of the great civilisations whilst we were still running around in loin cloths. The Indian sub-continent was fine until we fcuked it up and, again, is our equal in terms of technology and civilastion.
              im only going to say this one LAST time! I WAS REFERING TO "DURING THE BRITISH EMPIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! NOT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ffs learn to read!
              and anyway how do you think they they got that technology and standard of living????? surprise surprise it was us again.

              No, they didn't get it from us. Britain has never colonised Eastern Europe or most of the middle east. As I have said, you obviously have no idea what India was (or is) like before the empire if you really think we helped in any way.

              Goodcat, your still ridiculous opinion is so full of holes that I could go on forever.


              • #37
                Originally posted by goodcat View Post
                we're not leaving a country in dier need and that has no future. we have already made our mark on the world and we will be just fine. we can afford for some to migrate.

                a lot of what i have is of course in generalisation and if you have a basic knowledge on how to read you wouldve realised this. so why you have turned it all around on me and having a go at me is just stipid and imature.
                maybe you have issues and you think people are always trying to be one better than you or to correct you all the time? i dont know.
                anyway this was never my intensions so FFS ease up!
                Stupid and immature? You really should read the crap that you are posting before spouting that shit. Oh yes, we have left our mark on the world. If you want to talk in the present tense, (after the Empire was abolished), you go and ask any Iranian exactly what 'mark' we and the Americans have left on their country within the last thirty years.

                I honestly would try to blame your stupidity, arrogance and naivety on youth, (I assume you are either young or extremely bigotted?), but by crikey, even that is no excuse for spouting the complete and utter b0llocks that you are doing.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Sancho View Post
                  As I have said, you obviously have no idea what India was (or is) like before the empire if you really think we helped in any way.
                  Honestly Sancho, are you trying to say that they couldn't have built something like this before we enhanced their standard of life?


                  Oh, they did. Those sneaky, uneducated backwards b@stards. Jesus, Goodcat is so full of shit that Gra would be in work for months cleaning him up.
                  Last edited by MattF; 5 March 2009, 18:36. Reason: Typo corrected.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                    They come back here when they realise it's not one big pi$$-up/holiday, and the money has run out.
                    It's one thing tae dine, an' another tae bide...
                    Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by MattF View Post
                      Honestly Sancho, are you trying to say that they couldn't have built something like this before we enhanced their standard of life?

                      They can't have done. They were too busy sorting out their stone hut:

                      and sitting around doing nothing


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Sancho View Post
                        They can't have done. They were too busy sorting out their stone hut:


                        and sitting around doing nothing



                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Sancho View Post
                          and sitting around doing nothing

                          I nearly peed my pants!

                          I honestly am (almost) speechless. So far,

                          1) Indians were 'useless' because one whitey governed 150,000 of them. Oh I do hope none of the staff in his local Indian Restaurant know he harbours opinions like this!

                          2) America invaded Iraq because the Iraqis wanted rid of Saddam - oh, so nothing to do with him being a bit of a loose cannon sitting in the middle of very very large oil reserves then?

                          3) He started a discussion, but because I disagree with his either very ill-informed, or very immature, or extremely racist views, I have turned it into a thread war. Tell you what bud, dont post total shit, I wont argue with you.

                          As regards 'Johnny Foreigner' being the cause of all Britains ills - well...

                          Tell you what, lets get our own lazy work-shy tw@ts to get their own backsides out of bed into work! There are SO MANY of them, the amount of immigrants living on benefits is vanishingly tiny by comparison.

                          Lets get the teenage birth rate down to somewhere less than the top of the list for europe - maybe by letting these kids know they will no longer get a free house and a tax payer funded income.

                          Lets start taking pride in our country rather than f*cking off elsewhere because aformentioned J F is 'taking all the jobs'.

                          This HAS to be a troll - and a very successful one!
                          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                          • #43
                            I'm pretty pleased that I've not managed to offend anyone in this thread (like the last BNP one. Not my greatest moment, but racist bigotry always makes me see red...!)

                            Although that speech was obviously nonsense (learn to use google, seriously), I think Chris had about the right response. Read a few of goodcat's posts around the place. He's trolling.

                            Let's distil goodcat's posts (and the others) into a single, easy to read line:

                            "Let the primitive savages rot in their own filth."

                            And now a suitable response:



                            • #44
                              Oh and if we cannot get it right ..........well the BNP can't as well...........

                              ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


                              • #45
                                DOH!!! Just had a quick scan and now got no time to reply!! Having said that theres little to say that most of you havent already covered.

                                Might check in later and see where wqe are if I'm sober

