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Enough already.

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  • Enough already.

    Well, its been a real tough time in the Haines household recently.Work is poor and prospects for the future look dim.We have undergone a succesful rejigging within he household and things should be back to normal ....truthfully by the end of the week,so there is a small light at the end of this particularly potholed tunnel. To this end we have been Exceptionally skint,until now and can afford to go shopping etc.

    EXCEPT.... we dont need to go shopping.Some close friends of my wife and i have suddenly descended upon us with bagfulls of shopping...and i mean bagfulls. We have a big green plastic box full of fruit and veg,beef,mince,chicken,treats for the kids..you name it they have bought it round.Some of these people i have never met,yet they still helped us in our time of need.

    It just strikes me that the kindness of strangers can be the kindest sort sometimes
    Non intercooled nothing.

  • #2
    Wow! What a great thing to happen, after all of the doom, bitching and general low morale here lately.
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


    • #3
      toching mat,i know that feeling,not knowing how yr gonna pay/buy basics etc,bet it's restored some faith in human kind for you


      • #4
        Makes you think don't it ?

        good to hear things maybe improving
        Death rides a Black Horse


        • #5
          Nice news MR H and couldn't happen to a nicer clan (well the ones I've met anyhoo )


          • #6
            Originally posted by Apache View Post
            Wow! What a great thing to happen, after all of the doom, bitching and general low morale here lately.
            To true andy...im just overwhelmed..what a great thing for someone who has never met me to do !!
            You did the same for me when i was working in ledbury though,just going to see a familiar face for the evening was such a morale boost

            Originally posted by breakdowntruck2 View Post
            toching mat,i know that feeling,not knowing how yr gonna pay/buy basics etc,bet it's restored some faith in human kind for you
            To true andy. I know you had some tough times recently, and something like this can really give you a lift

            Originally posted by John h View Post
            Makes you think don't it ?

            good to hear things maybe improving
            Kind words guvnor.I try not to moan but have found myself doing so recently.I am just going to try and remember this act of kindness every time i feel the urge to bleat, hopefully it will stop me in my tracks and bring back the smile.

            I know a lot of people are going to have a real tough year,lets stop the bitching and nitpicking and pedantry and general unpleasantness,especially on here,...if at any time in modern history we all need to rely on each other..well now is the time
            Non intercooled nothing.


            • #7
              I had no idea mate
              you havent let your woes get you down on here and youve been your usual jolly self. good on you for not letting it affect your good humour. things as you said appear to be on the up so good news......
              私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


              • #8
                Glad to hear you are having some good news Gra

                Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                • #9

                  Bl**dy good to hear!!


                  • #10
                    Hey mate I never knew it was that bad...
                    hope the light is bright.. at least this is a start.....
                    One day at the time I guess..


                    • #11
                      Know how you feel mate. Finished work for my hols, then few days before xmas they rang me to say don't bother coming back. And merry xmas.


                      Trucks still running, (which is annoying, cos WE'RE doing without to feed IT) but ive got a son with disabilities, so we can't do without transport.
                      I'm not gona moan tho. Sometimes, i just need to remember that ive got my wife, son, and not least the dog, we're reasonably fit and healthy, we're keeping a roof over our heads, paying the bills, and eating. (just)
                      and theres always a bunch of pillocks to talk to somewheres around here.

                      The rest really dont matter.
                      I'm sure its the same for you. Keep it up bud. (same goes for everyone else who's in our position)
                      Last edited by blakarm; 4 March 2009, 02:52.


                      • #12
                        Glad to hear it mate - wise words back there, we should never take things for granted and live each day for the moment. We should all learn to moan less and appreciate the true value of things.

                        How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by gwh200 View Post

                          ,lets stop the bitching and nitpicking and pedantry and general unpleasantness,especially on here,...:
                          Does that mean youre going to stop calling Rod Leach a lifter of shirts?

                          GROUP HUG ( please shower first)

                          Сви можемо


                          • #14
                            bogus i think your right,no more calling rod leach a shirt lifter................we'll just call him a sausage jockey instead.

                            gra i hope things start to look up for you in the near future buddy,that goes for anyone else in the same predicament.its times like this we should all be helping each other out,after all what goes around comes around.you never know whats round the corner.


                            • #15
                              i know how ya feel gra there are people out there that help others n they do it without moaning bout helping you.
                              life can be hard that i know to well you feel like giving up sometimes but dont.anything like me then think alot bout ending it all everyday n i think like it everyday its a struggle.but some people really care they dont say nothing they just do/help.
                              i hope everything goes/gets better for you soon if ya was nearer i would even say come over for dinner n would share what ive got.ive learnt something over this recession n its this, sometimes we f@@k up our own lives/sometimes people f@@k it up for us but this country f@@ks it up for everyone.
                              you'll get there gra you a strong guy n im sure youll get back up the ladder soon m8. i couldnt have managed alot of things if it wasnt for this forum n the help from others me n sal wish you all the best m8

