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Just hang on a minute...

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  • Just hang on a minute...

    RBS losses £24 billion. Tax payer to prop it up to the tune of £30 billion. Ex-boss takes £650 thousand a year pension.

    Does anyone else think we're being shafted and that f*cker is laughing at us?!

    I hope someone shoots the ba5tard!!!
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world

  • #2
    Originally posted by Apache View Post
    RBS losses £24 billion. Tax payer to prop it up to the tune of £30 billion. Ex-boss takes £650 thousand a year pension.

    Does anyone else think we're being shafted and that f*cker is laughing at us?!

    I hope someone shoots the ba5tard!!!
    Thats just completely wrong.

    It said 700k on the news.


    • #3

      I've given up mate!

      It seems there is no "right" and "wrong" in the UK anymore!

      It's madness, this "I'm ok so screw everybody!"

      What we need is a feckin revolution!

      Chop all their ####### heads off!


      • #4
        Easy solution, take Freds pension pot and invest it in the worst of the sub prime debt that he thought it would be a good idea to put his customers money into. If he is right he will get a good pension, if not, the he gets exactly what he deserves. Simple, innit?
        it's in me shed, mate.


        • #5
          Apparently he's thinking about it!?


          • #6
            The bastord has the right name, getting THAT pension was a good win for him


            Knowing how our wonderful (I'm taking the tablets bear with me) government loves taxing may we suggest a pension tax of 90% for those newly pensioned bankers (checks to make sure I've spelt it right)
            Last edited by That Ruddy Squirrel; 26 February 2009, 19:53.
            Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


            • #7
              FCUKING arrogance of the 8a5turd !!!!
              Lucky he's got a Pension .... Lot ain't

              There's always a Payback .... It'll always take longer than five minutes !!!!
              Buncefield Burner


              • #8

                Royal Mail

                Government proposals include

                Transferring responsibility for the pension fund, with its £6bn deficit, to taxpayers.

                Worked out today, if 30 million people in the UK are Tax payers then that is £200 each who has to pay just to sort out the RM pension fund.

                If we bailed out RBS to the tune of 30bn that's £1000 stake all tax payer own.

                Overall we tax payers are going to be paying for years to sort out the whole mess that the UK is in.
                I Love Wales


                • #9
                  It was in his contract so he's entitled to it. Shoot whoever gave him the contract.


                  • #10

                    Spot on !

                    It's shite BUT it's legal ........

                    Life is too important to take seriously !


                    • #11
                      Lets face it, we are all going to be paying for those greedy sheehites for years to come. And there is feck all any us can do


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by 24Seven View Post

                        Royal Mail

                        Government proposals include

                        Transferring responsibility for the pension fund, with its £6bn deficit, to taxpayers.

                        Worked out today, if 30 million people in the UK are Tax payers then that is £200 each who has to pay just to sort out the RM pension fund.

                        If we bailed out RBS to the tune of 30bn that's £1000 stake all tax payer own.

                        Overall we tax payers are going to be paying for years to sort out the whole mess that the UK is in.

                        Let me enlighten you on the RM pension fund, the bosses at the RM took a 12 YEAR pension holiday, which means the RM paid nothing into the fund for that time, yet all us postmen were still paying pension subs out of our wages, then the government took one BILLION pounds out of the RM pension fund during the pension raid, and now they tell us we have a huge deficit, I cant tell you how incandescant with rage that makes me, swear words simply dont exist to demonstrate how we as the posties feel about this, I work in a "flagship" mail centre, and they were talking about Gordon Brown doing a visit, they were advised not to bother, as feelings were running a bit high, thats the understatement of the fecking century, I would have personally done time to punch that fecking bustard in the face, and there would have been a queue behind me stretching two miles down the A419.



                        • #13
                          Me Personally, i cant wait to give independance a go, then we can fook it all up for ourselves. Goverments whether they be Scottish or English are all Robbing Barstewards, as long as there wage keeps going in he bank hey are happy, i hate politcs


                          • #14
                            Government also robbed the Miners PF, still do every year. The banker has now refused to return any dosh now so as far as I'm concerned his rewards come from criminal negligence/crime, so why not confiscate his pension/payoff under the proceeds of crime act. The law is only there to protect the rich, it does sweet FA for the working class, the country is one big joke but I'm too old n skint to f off anywhere else now. H


                            • #15
                              someone needs to organise a revolution......
                              Non intercooled nothing.

