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Funny things we've done

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  • Funny things we've done

    Keeping up With Georges "flat roofing the floor pan" thread has made me chuckle to myslef all day and also made me think if some stuff me and my mates did to their "first" cars, (ME) when i got my first one (a vaux pa velox) i found holes in the bottom of all the doors so not wanting holes in case water got in there i got a bucket full of fi-glas resin off a mate who worked for halmatic and after removeing the cards and tapeing up the holes tipped it in all four doors, removed the tape after it had gone off and sorted so i thought,
    several weeks later i put it in for MOT and when i went to collect it the bloke said it's passed ok but it sounds like there water or something sloshing about in the door, i've checked the drain holes and they seem to be blocked up with something, how long have you had the car? bout three months i said, have you put something in the doors, No i said, well thats wots causeing it mate, some idiots blocked up the drains!!!
    (MY MATE) bought a 58 PA Velox (cos i had one) for £100 which was a fair bit of change back then, he was showing off summat wicked as i paid £250 plus my triumph T110 for mine, he came straight round in it and to be fair it did look ok, black paint etc, he produced a tin of isopon and said the bloke at the showroom reccomended he deal with some "slight" rust sopts before they got any worse, i was liveing at home at my mums then and he shot through to the back garden shed to mix it, about 20 minuits later he came hurtling through the front door and yelled "BA$TARD" and flung this big dollop of smokeing filler across the pavement, the silly c##t had mixed the whole lot together, all the hardner and he got to the kitchen as it started getting hot, and could'nt drop it indoors for fear of setting me mums house on fire, the rest of us pi$$ed ourselves, i can still see the look on his face, and things just got better (for us, not for him) he got in the front passenger side to fiddle about with something and there was a crunch! when he pulled back the carpet he'd dam near put his foot through the floor pan,
    he tapped up the filler cap (which was a flip up flap on top if the n/s rear wing on those ps's which was suppost to reveal the filler screw on cap and there was bugga all there, just a rusty hole, so he opened the boot and the cap and pipe were just hanging there in mid air, it had rotted out and fell in,
    next he checked the spare, which is mounted in a "well" in the boot floor covered by a big metal disc and wing nut, he un did it and and there was the spare but when he lifted out the spare you could see the road underneath,the whole car was rotten,
    well all this time the laughter was increasing as he found more and more probs, and he was getting more and more wound up till he shot off in a rage,
    he did get his money back after the bloke telling him to f##k off the first time, he then went back with his dad who was a marine and after threatening to go to the papers and bring some of his marine buddies back with him and "dissapear" this shyster's showroom the guy coughed up, then my mate got a good slap for getting ripped off,

    Phew! so what have you done your willing to own up to????
    Last edited by POPEYE; 23 February 2009, 18:02.
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss

  • #2


    • #3
      were do ya want me to start
      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


      • #4
        Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
        Keeping up With Georges "flat roofing the floor pan" thread has made me chuckle to myslef all day and also made me think if some stuff me and my mates did to their "first" cars, (ME) when i got my first one (a vaux pa velox) i found holes in the bottom of all the doors so not wanting holes in case water got in there i got a bucket full of fi-glas resin off a mate who worked for halmatic and after removeing the cards and tapeing up the holes tipped it in all four doors, removed the tape after it had gone off and sorted so i thought,
        several weeks later i put it in for MOT and when i went to collect it the bloke said it's passed ok but it sounds like there water or something sloshing about in the door, i've checked the drain holes and they seem to be blocked up with something, how long have you had the car? bout three months i said, have you put something in the doors, No i said, well thats wots causeing it mate, some idiots blocked up the drains!!!
        (MY MATE) bought a 58 PA Velox (cos i had one) for £100 which was a fair bit of change back then, he was showing off summat wicked as i paid £250 plus my triumph T110 for mine, he came straight round in it and to be fair it did look ok, black paint etc, he produced a tin of isopon and said the bloke at the showroom reccomended he deal with some "slight" rust sopts before they got any worse, i was liveing at home at my mums then and he shot through to the back garden shed to mix it, about 20 minuits later he came hurtling through the front door and yelled "BA$TARD" and flung this big dollop of smokeing filler across the pavement, the silly c##t had mixed the whole lot together, all the hardner and he got to the kitchen as it started getting hot, and could'nt drop it indoors for fear of setting me mums house on fire, the rest of us pi$$ed ourselves, i can still see the look on his face, and things just got better (for us, not for him) he got in the front passenger side to fiddle about with something and there was a crunch! when he pulled back the carpet he'd dam near put his foot through the floor pan,
        he tapped up the filler cap (which was a flip up flap on top if the n/s rear wing on those ps's which was suppost to reveal the filler screw on cap and there was bugga all there, just a rusty hole, so he opened the boot and the cap and pipe were just hanging there in mid air, it had rotted out and fell in,
        next he checked the spare, which is mounted in a "well" in the boot floor covered by a big metal disc and wing nut, he un did it and and there was the spare but when he lifted out the spare you could see the road underneath,the whole car was rotten,
        well all this time the laughter was increasing as he found more and more probs, and he was getting more and more wound up till he shot off in a rage,
        he did get his money back after the bloke telling him to f##k off the first time, he then went back with his dad who was a marine and after threatening to go to the papers and bring some of his marine buddies back with him and "dissapear" this shyster's showroom the guy coughed up, then my mate got a good slap for getting ripped off,

        Phew! so what have you done your willing to own up to????
        proper, i used to work for a vaux main dealer, heard some stories about the vellox rotting in the showrooms, the cleaner had to sweep up the rust in the mornings, i lowered the roof in my ford anglia by 6 inches and couldnt find a front screen to fit so wore flying goggles


        • #5
          Originally posted by lord lucan View Post
          proper, i used to work for a vaux main dealer, heard some stories about the vellox rotting in the showrooms, the cleaner had to sweep up the rust in the mornings, i lowered the roof in my ford anglia by 6 inches and couldnt find a front screen to fit so wore flying goggles
          Velox/cresta along with the victor had to be the worst made cars vauxhall ever made, looked good tho,
          Too young to die and too old to give a toss


          • #6
            Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
            Velox/cresta along with the victor had to be the worst made cars vauxhall ever made, looked good tho,
            before i could drive my dad bought me a beige 2 door chevette 1.3,so i painted it with black hammerite


            • #7
              Originally posted by breakdowntruck2 View Post
              before i could drive my dad bought me a beige 2 door chevette 1.3,so i painted it with black hammerite

              Cool - that must have trebled it's value !

              Life is too important to take seriously !


              • #8
                Originally posted by Predictable Bob View Post

                Cool - that must have trebled it's value !

                lol i liked it(i was 14 at the time),then i started trying to fit a manta front end on it


                • #9
                  Personally, i cant recall doing anything wrong........................b ut there is a story going about , concerning some fat bloke who used to drive coaches,the bishop of durham and a large collection of jazz mags.
                  Non intercooled nothing.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by breakdowntruck2 View Post
                    lol i liked it(i was 14 at the time),then i started trying to fit a manta front end on it
                    Nowt wrong with Hammerite, friend of mine once painted his hillman with black bitumin, used to go a bit sticky in hot weather
                    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                    • #11
                      A mate of mine at work had a Triumph Dolomite Sprint which had an oil leak. Being a tight so and so he used to help himself to 1 litre at a time of very thin hydraulic oil from work, to top the engine up with.

                      I don't need to tell you what happened! (Do I?)
                      'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Scorpion View Post
                        A mate of mine at work had a Triumph Dolomite Sprint which had an oil leak. Being a tight so and so he used to help himself to 1 litre at a time of very thin hydraulic oil from work, to top the engine up with.

                        I don't need to tell you what happened! (Do I?)
                        Did it run very efficiently due to the reduced friction?


                        • #13
                          I was stopped by a copper in the middle of town back in the seventies, I was a bit p*sed, the car was a wreck, you could see the road through the passenger floor, the wipers had snapped off during a snowstorm so when it rained I had to open the window and wipe them by hand, the bonnet was tied down with string, the brakes were rubbish and you had to pump them furiously before they would work, and the passenger door had to be lifted into place because the hinges had rusted and dropped, anyway, the copper said, "I've stopped you to get a lift to the Brunel Rooms (a notorious nightclub) because there is a fight going on" i said "how do I know you are a policeman" he said "ok, if I've got nothing better to do, lets have a look at your car" I said "hop in"...

                          The car was a Wolsley Hornet, very nippy, but a total bucket!!

                          Another time I was driving a Triumph Stag down a hill in the dark and the brake pedal fell off, damn good job it wasnt an auto box, or the story could have had an unhappy ending..

                          I was taking the starter motor off a Fiat Panda once, just to try and get it going so my mate could sell it, it was a nice day, the kids were playing outside, her four, my one (at the time) and my mate judy's three plus three she was child minding, thats eleven kids, so one of them hit the other one over the head with a Ghostbusters toy a "fearsome Flush" if I remember rightly, and blood was spilled, so my mate judy, and the other mate had to go to A&E to get it stiched up, leaving me with ten kids and a motor in bits, I put them in fromt of the telly, gave them all an almighty bollo*king, just in case, got on with the starter motor, having to go inside every ten mintues to make sure a riot hadnt broken out, got fed up, shoved a buttload of vaseline in it, put it back on, it fired up no trouble, except I had a few bits left over, which I hid in the bin, thinking b*gger it, oddly enough it worked fine for ages!

                          Some dimlo who welded my minis floor welded up the drain holes, so I had to wear wellies to drive it, it always had about two inches of water in the footwell, I put it in a ditch and busted the hydrolastic suspension so it wasnt a problem for very long!


